It All Starts Here with Nastia Liukin

Meet Nastia Liukin's dog, Harley, who fuels up with Pro Plan Sport to stay active and keep up with her in and out of the gym.

Paid Content from Purina Pro Plan.

Passion changes everything. It demands energy and effort, sweat and serenity. For athletes, passion drives a commitment for training harder and nourishing their bodies better, and doing it alongside a furry friend only makes the grind that much sweeter.

In this video series, we unleash the incredible stories of professional athletes highlighting how their relationship with their active dogs is pivotal to athletic success. For pet and owner alike, an active lifestyle and optimal nutrition is the secret sauce to living a life filled with vitality, and while the diets of the respective athletes might vary, one key is constant: Purina Pro Plan Sport is the dog food of choice for active pets to live their longest and healthiest lives. It All Starts Here.

Gymnast Nastia Liukin has dedicated her life to discovering unique passions and reaching for the gold both on and off the gymnastics mat. She is also mom to her adorable dog Harley, who loves staying active and playing alongside Nastia in and out of the gym. In this episode, we took a trip out to Dallas to hang out with Liukin and her dog for an inside look at their high-energy lifestyle.

Find out more about Pro Plan Sport: Fine-tuned nutrition for active dogs and performance canines.
