Sports Illustrated Photographers: Behind the Lens
We celebrate our Sports Illustrated Photographers; those behind the lens who have captured the most influential and iconic sports moments.
Sports Illustrated Photographers: Behind the Lens
Heinz Kluetmeier
John Iacono
Walter Iooss Jr.
John G. Zimmerman
Robert Beck
Heinz Kluetmeier
John G. Zimmerman
Heinz Kluetmeier
Jerry Cooke
Ronald C. Modra
Damian Strohmeyer
Walter Iooss Jr.
George Tiedeman
Rich Clarkson
Bill Eppridge
Heinz Kluetmeier
John Iacono and SI Writer Shelley Smith
Al Tielemans
Rich Clarkson
Jerry Cooke
Neil Leifer
Chuck Solomon
Al Tielemans
Bill Frakes
James Drake
Walter Iooss Jr.
James Drake
Peter Read Miller
Richard Meek
John G. Zimmerman
Neil Leifer and Jerry Cooke
Heinz Kluetmeier, Neil Leifer, Ken Regan
Walter Iooss Jr., James Drake, Neil Leifer
Bob Rosato
John Iacono
Al Tielemans and John Biever
Neil Leifer
David Klutho
Simon Bruty
John W. McDonough
Damian Strohmeyer
V.J. Lovero
Fred Vuich
Bob Martin
Tony Tomsic and Manny Millan
Simon Bruty
Michael J. Le Brecht II
Kohjiro Kinno
Greg Nelson
Jeffery A. Salter
Heinz Kluetmeier
Al Tielemans and the Sheppard Sisters
Bill Frakes, Simon Bruty, David E. Klutho, John W. McDonough, Al Tielemans, Robert Beck