Gotham Girls Roller Derby Season
Queens of Pain
League Practice Session
Queens of Pain vs Manhattan Mayhem
Queens of Pain vs Manhattan Mayhem
Wendy Booher a.k.a. Windy 500, Jean Schwarzwalder a.k.a. Suzy Hotrod, Max Schneider a.k.a. The Smacktivist, Emma Noble a.k.a. Sally Handsome: Co-Captain Wall Street Traitors, Roxy Dallas: Captain Gotham All Stars, Katherine Rugg a.k.a. Space Invader & Daryl Concha a.k.a. D.A.R.Y.L.: Co-Captain Gotham All Stars, Emily Arlington a.k.a. Bridget Jonestown Massacre, Kate Freitag a.k.a. Kate Sera Sera
Lauren Suiter a.k.a. Northern Fights, Audra Coulombe a.k.a. Space Audity, Daryl Concha a.k.a. D.A.R.Y.L.: Co-Captain Gotham All Stars, Candice Gibson a.k.a. Bonita Apple Bomb: Captain Manhattan Mayhem and Co-Captain Gotham All Stars, Dara Fineman a.k.a. Hebrew-Ham Lincoln, Roxanne Rogers a.k.a. Violet Knockout, Jessica Worthington a.k.a. ROCKS! & Amanda Williams a.k.a. Kid Vicious, Sarah Rachel Ingber a.k.a. Heronymus Boss