Caption This: The Andy Murray experience

I enjoy watching Andy Murray play tennis. Part of that has to do with his tennis, which can be resplendent when he's playing well, and part of that has nothing to do with his tennis. The incessant, sarcastic muttering to himself and to his player's box, the agonizing facial expressions, the wide grins that make you think he's lost his mind -- that is the Andy Murray experience. He wants it so badly and expects so much of himself that he simply cannot get out of his own way when things get dire.
Here's Murray in fine form during his loss to Rafael Nadal in the U.S. Open semifinals.

(Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters)
Not a good look, Andy.

(John G. Mabanglo/EPA/Landov)
Teeth and pockets. Who needs them, right?

(Charles Krupa/AP)
Fist pumping: You're doing it wrong.

(Matt Slocum/AP)
He makes tennis look so painful. It's truly a talent.

(Patrick McDermott/Getty Images)
Smiling or grimacing? Happy or sad? Pleased or angry?
It's always hard to tell with him.

(Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)
That vein is about to blow.

(Nick Laham/Getty Images)
It's a good kit, Andy! Don't take it out on the kit!

(Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)
It'll happen, Andy. It'll happen. Surely.