Tony Parrish's Yoga Workout

Tony Parrish's Yoga Workout
Tony Parrish's Yoga Workout /

Tony Parrish's Yoga Workout


Robert Beck/SI

San Franciso 49ers Tony Parrish broke his left ankle and fibula in a game against the Bears last November and used yoga to help him regain trust in the injured leg. Here are his yoga tips. <br><br>Posture: Feet should be hip distance apart, heels raised, arms straight out, palms down. Squat as if sitting in a chair. Hold for 10 counts, return to starting position. Repeat.


Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Lie on belly with chin on mat. Put arms underneath body, palms on floor. Raise right leg as high as you can, behind you. Hold for 10 counts. Return to starting position and switch legs. Return to starting position and raise both legs and hips off floor as high as you can (as shown) and hold for 10 counts. Lower legs and rest on stomach. 20 seconds, face to one side. Repeat all three positions.

Balancing Stick

Balancing Stick
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Standing with feet together, raise arms straight up and clasp hands with index fingers pointing up. Step left foot forward two feet, keeping it straight. Point right foot behind you, keeping foot on floor. Bend forward until chest and arms are parallel to floor while also raising right leg behind you until parallel to floor, making a T with body. Hold for 10 counts, return to start position, switch legs. Do two times, each side.

Standing Deep Breathing

Standing Deep Breathing
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Stand straight, feet parallel and touching. Interlace fingers and place knuckles under chin with elbows together. Slowly inhale through nose for six counts while raising elbows toward ears. Exhale through mouth, dropping head back, and bring elbows together pointing straight ahead for six counts. Two sets of 10 reps.

Half Moon

Half Moon
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Standing with feet together, raise arms straight up and clasp hands with index fingers pointing up. Push hips left and bend to right, extending left side from hip to armpit. Hold for five counts. Return to center and repeat, bending to left. Return to center, drop head back, arms behind you, hands still clasped and bend backward as far as you can.

Standing Head to Knee

Standing Head to Knee
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Lift right leg straight out in front of body, parallel to floor. Interlace fingers and hold under ball of foot. Lean forward, bend elbows and rest forehead on shin. Hold for 10 counts, return to start position and switch legs. Repeat.

Standing Bow Pulling

Standing Bow Pulling
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Stand on left leg, bend right leg behind. Grasp instep of right foot with right hand. Extend left arm straight out. Bend forward until abdomen and arm are parallel to the floor. At the same time kick right leg straight up behind you. Hold for 10 counts, return to start position. Switch legs. Repeat.

Standing Separate Leg Stretching

Standing Separate Leg Stretching
Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Start with feet together and step right leg out four feet. Raise arms parallel to floor and turn feet slightly in with knees locked. With straight back bend forward and grab outsides of feet with fingers underneath heels. Touch head to floor. Hold for 10 counts. Return to starting position. Repeat.


Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Lying on stomach with feet together place palms flat on floor underneath shoulders with fingers pointing forward. Bring elbows in until they touch sides. Look up towards ceiling and push torso off the floor. Hold for 20 seconds. Lower torso and turn face to one side. Rest for 20 seconds. Repeat.


Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Sit with legs extended straight out in front. Raise both arms overhead, reach forward and take hold of big toes with index and middle fingers of each hand. Pull toes towards you while bending elbows toward floor. Hold for 20 counts. Straighten to sitting. Repeat.


Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Lying on stomach bend knees towards glutes. Reach backwards and grab feet from the outside. Inhale and kick legs up towards ceiling while lifting torso off floor. Hold for 20 counts. Lower torso and turn face to one side. Rest for 20 seconds. Repeat.


Robert Beck/SI

Posture: Stand straight with arms overhead. Step right leg out to right four feet with arms outstretched, parallel to floor. Turn right foot towards the right and bend right knee until thigh is parallel to floor. Keeping arms straight, bend torso directly to the right. Place fingertips of right hand on the right big toe with elbow flush against knee. Left arm straight up towards the ceiling, palm facing forward. Turn head to look at hand. Hold for 10 counts. Return to lunge position. Step back to start position and switch legs.
