What your Apex Legends main says about you

Apex Legends is a personality test and you just failed

Apex Legends is a massive battle royale shooter – we all know that. What you might not know is that it’s also a personality test. Forrest Gump once said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, and that’s true of the shoes you wear while stomping around King’s Canyon, Broken Moon, and E-District

In my professional opinion as a random guy who writes about games, I’ve formulated a list that tells you what your Apex Legends main says about your personality. None of it is good. 


Bangalore's character card in Apex Legends

You believe in your abilities but when fight or flight kicks in and the adrenaline pumps through your veins, you choose flight almost every time. You tend to explain things people already know to fill silences – when that doesn’t work, you go for shock value. You say it’s because you have no filter but in reality, you’re just an insensitive wiener. Your favorite Joe Rogan podcast is the one with Elon Musk.  


Wraith's character card in Apex Legends

People don’t like you – me included – but that suits you fine because you don’t need anyone. That’s what you tell yourself. It’s been that way since school. You think you look mysterious when you stand completely still on the nightclub dance floor but everyone knows you’re just afraid of being judged.


Mirage character card in Apex Legends

Your good looks have gotten you far in life – it’s a shame you’re such a weapons-grade spanner. You believe mewing is a thing, the moon landings were fake, and that straight white men are the real minorities. 


Octane character card Apex Legends

One day you will stop and think about what you’re doing before you do it. Today isn’t that day. You’re the friend everyone warns their group about before you meet them because “they’re a bit much”. 


Revenant official screen Apex Legends

You prefer to people-watch than get involved, and all of that watching has taught you one thing: you hate humans. Their smell, their tweets, their hair, and dead skin. You should get more sleep and stop doomscrolling until 3am. 


Horizon holds a peacekeeper shotgun in Apex Legends

Ooh, you’re so quirky and different. Just like all the other quirky and different people you know. At a party, you once balanced ten sofa cushions on your head to mask your poor social abilities.


Fuse character screen Apex Legends

You dominate every conversation and people think you’re rude when they first meet you. You are a bit rude, to be honest. When people get to know you, they realize you’re kind of alright. Willing to throw hands for your friends. 


Ash character screen Apex Legends

Outwardly, you’re a professional who gets things done, but inside you’re a ball of anxiety. You worry about what people think of you, but no one is brave enough to tell you to your face. Everyone thinks you’re a bit scary. You prefer animals to people. 


Ballistic character screen Apex Legends

The last time you were in a bar, you asked the bartender if they’d be kind enough to turn the music down. Just a tad, you said. No worries if not. 

Mad Maggie

Mad Maggie character screen Apex Legends

You deserve jail. 


Gibraltar character screen Apex Legends

Everyone knows you give the best cuddles and that you’d protect them if anything bad happened. Unfortunately, people take advantage of your kind nature. You need to stop making up nicknames for everyone you meet because no one likes it, Gubba. 


Caustic character screen Apex Legends

The therapy didn’t take.  You smoke way too much and you should probably be in jail with the Maggies.


Wattson character screen Apex Legends

You unironically laugh at the jokes inside Christmas crackers, even when they’re cringe. Especially when they’re cringe. 


Rampart character screen Apex Legends

You prefer nights in rather than going out. Everyone says you talk way too much, way too fast, but that’s just because your brain is overloaded. At night, you lie in bed contemplating the vast nothingness. 


Newcastle character screen Apex Legends

You see yourself as the hero of your story, the protagonist of reality. People tend to think you’re overfriendly, but it comes from a real place. Your favorite TV series is The Shield. 


Catalyst character screen Apex Legends

Look, no one wants your little tarot card readings. You can’t hex someone with a tea leaf. Your skull collection is terrifying and alienates every potential love interest you’ve ever had. 


Bloodhound character screen Apex Legends

Everyone hates you at work. Always chasing, always pushing, always raising the bar, making life harder for everyone else on your team. You know how to make the right moves, but your communication skills need work. Stop making people sniff things. 


Pathfinder character screen Apex Legends

You see yourself as a leader but everyone sees you as the class clown. For every time in your life that you’ve done something cool, you’ve tripped over your own feet five more times. 


Crypto character screen Apex Legends

Your family members always come to you when they’ve been scammed by a phishing email. You have over 10k followers on Insta, but most of them are bots. 


Valkyrie character screen Apex Legends

There’s one person in your friend group who’s way cooler than everyone else and everyone’s noticed how you mirror their body language and shop in the same stores. You need to find your own identity so you can truly soar. 


Seer character screen Apex Legends

Ooh, you little scamp. Always voted as the best dressed among your peers, you have flawless style and effortless cool. Your main downfall is how you push aside work in favor of play. You’re also a big old flirt and one day it’ll get you in trouble. 


Lifeline character screen Apex Legends

You’re the friend everyone comes to with their problems, but you don’t have anyone to lean on yourself. You often loan out your property and are too polite to ask for it back. You’re the type of person who would ignore the safety procedures when the oxygen masks drop on a plane so you can help everyone else get theirs on – when will you learn that you can’t help anyone if you’re unconscious? 


Loba character screen Apex Legends

Your friends know you see them as side characters in your life, but they hang around with you because you’re fun. Exciting situations seem to gravitate towards you. You’ve kicked ladders down behind you for your entire life. 


Apex Legends character screen for Alter

You hate the sound of people eating, fidgeting, coughing, slurping, itching, sneezing, and breathing. 

Kirk McKeand


Kirk McKeand is the Content Director for GLHF.  A games media writer and editor from Lincoln, UK, he won a Games Media Award in 2014 in the Rising Star category. He has also been nominated for two Features Writer awards. He was also recognized in MCV's 30 Under 30 list in 2014. His favorite games are The Witcher 3, The Last of Us Part 2, Dishonored 2, Deus Ex, Bloodborne, Suikoden 2, and Final Fantasy 7.  You can buy Kirk McKeand's book, The History of the Stealth Game, in most bookstores in the US and UK.  With a foreword written by Arkane's Harvey Smith, The History of the Stealth Game dives deep into the shadows of game development, uncovering the surprising stories behind some of the industry's most formative video games.  He has written for IGN, Playboy, Vice, Eurogamer, Edge, Official PlayStation Magazine, Games Master, Official Xbox Magazine, USA Today's ForTheWin, Digital Spy, The Telegraph, International Business Times, and more.  Kirk was previously the Editor-in-Chief at TheGamer and Deputy Editor at VG247. These days he works as the Content Director for GLHF, a content agency specializing in video games coverage, serving media partners across the globe.  You can check out Kirk McKeand's MuckRack profile for more.  Email: kirk.mckeand@glhf.gg