LEGO Fortnite: how to upgrade your Crafting Bench
You should always be looking at your next step forward in LEGO Fortnite. Whether that’s upgrading your village, crafting the next tier of tools, or seeking out new adventures, you’re bound to need better items and equipment on your way. If you want any hope of getting your hands on the top-tier gear, you’ll need to upgrade your Crafting Bench.
We’ll tell you how to upgrade your Crafting Bench so you can keep improving your gear.
How to upgrade your Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite
Open up your Crafting Bench, and along the top of the menu you’ll see a tab called “Bench Upgrade”. Select that and you’ll be shown the materials you’ll need to complete the upgrade. For example, the first upgrade will ask you to hand over eight planks and three shells – if you need help finding these items, check out our guide on how to get Shells from Rollers in LEGO Fortnite.
Once you have the materials, you can just press the upgrade button and new recipes will be unlocked, allowing you to craft an Uncommon Axe in LEGO Fortnite.