How to complete the Big Eater Challenge at Wilduck Burger in Persona 3 Reload
If you visit the Velvet Room in Persona 3 Reload, Elizabeth will ask you to help her out with a number of requests. Number 11 asks you to ‘Prevail in the Big Eater Challenge’ at Wilduck Burger, which not only gives you a reward from Elizabeth but also allows you to eat the Wilduck Weekend Set, which rewards you with +3 Courage when eaten instead of the usual +2 you receive from eating the Wilduck Burger. This will replace the Big Eater Challenge on the menu.
When you visit Wilduck Burger, you will find that the Big Eater Challenge isn’t always available as an option. First, you must accept the request from Elizabeth outside the Velvet Room. After you have accepted it, you will find it available on Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Luckily, the path to the Big Eater challenge is set. If you are not using a guide, it will take a little bit of trial and error to find the right combination. However, if you want to complete the challenge on your first try just make the selections listed below.
- Look away from the burgers
- Eat without stopping
- Imagine something sour
Once you complete the challenge, you will be rewarded with +2 in Courage, Charm, and Academics, and if you fail, you will receive +2 in only Courage. The Wilduck Weekend Set will replace it on the menu the next time you order on a weekend evening.