How to unlock the Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws – keycard locations and vault rewards

Where to find the Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault and the three keycards to open it in Star Wars Outlaws
The Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws
The Mirogana Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws / Ubisoft, GLHF

The Crimson Dawn Vault in Star Wars Outlaws is a guarded room in the syndicate’s district in Mirogana City on Toshara. It is where they keep a chest that can only be accessed after obtaining three keycards stored in three different locations.

One way to start the intel chain for the Crimson Dawn Vault is to find and read a datapad in Mirogana. From Mirokal’s Gambling Parlor, turn right and take the alley that leads to the city’s south-western entrance. After a flight of stairs, there’s a terrace bar overlooking Mirogana Valley. The datapad is on one of the small tables.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot showing Kay in front of a bar's outdoor seating area in Mirogana.
The datapad is on the only table that has a yellow light on it. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Another way of learning about it is by going to the Crimson Dawn district and sneaking into the vault directly. You won’t be able to access the blocked chamber without the three keycards, though. You still need to go there first to obtain the locations of the three keycards from a computer terminal.

This guide will walk you through all steps to obtain the keycards and sneak back into the Crimson Dawn Vault to grab its chest.

Get the locations of the three keycards for the Crimson Dawn Vault

In Mirogana, head north to the Crimson Dawn territory, which you can access from the far end of the Market District. That’s where Eleera usually stands to give you contracts.

Kay in front of a door with two Crimson Dawn guards on the watch.
The guards will let you in only if you have good rep with the Crimson Dawn. / Ubisoft, GLHF

If you have good reputation with the Crimson Dawn, you can simply go past the guards and enter their district. If not, you have to sneak through one of two vents, in the north-western and north-eastern corners of the Market District. The former will arguably get you closer to your goal with fewer guards on your way to worry about.

Star Wars Oulaws map with two purple dots marking the vents in Mirogana's Market District.
The locations of the two vents you can use to sneak into the Crimson Dawn district. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Once you’re in, you need to sneak inside the district’s landing pad, which is a Restricted Area, meaning you’re not allowed in even if you have Good rep with the syndicate.

The guards standing at the end of the metal ramp leading to the landing pad won’t let you in, but if you look to the right, there are metal platforms you can climb to sneak in.

Screenshot of Kay running past computer terminals with a purple arrow pointing to the hidden metal steps.
The metal steps you can use to sneak in are just around the corner, to the right of the guarded ramp. / Ubisoft, GLHF

There’s a big pipe on the western side of the landing pad blocked by a spinning fan. Use Nix’s vision to reveal a cable that leads to a switch you can use to turn the fan off. Send Nix to hold the switch down for you, so you can get inside the pipe while the fan is off.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot, showing Kay in front of a switch that controls a big fan visible in the background.
Approach the fan first, then send Nix to hold the switch and turn it off. / Ubisoft, GLHF

On the other side of the pipe, there’s a room with a hole in the floor. Use the ladder to go down. You’re in the Crimson Dawn Vault now, but you won’t be able to access the chest yet.

There is a computer terminal inside the room. Access it to receive the locations of the three keycards required to open the vault.

You will also find a Renpalli Station keycard on the table in the middle of the room. Make sure you steal this one as you will need it later.

Kay in front of a table with a keycard on it.
Don't forget to grab this keycard before you leave. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Eleera’s Vault Keycard location

Eleera’s Vault keycard is closest to Mirogana, and the location should now be marked on your map. You will find it in a Crimson Dawn Hideout south of the planet's main city.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of the in-game map showing the location of Eleera's Vault Keycard
Eleera's Vault Keycard location map. / Ubisoft, GLHF

The inner sections of the hideout are a Restricted Area, so you will have to sneak even if your reputation with the Crimson Dawn is Good. There’s a ramp leading to the back of the hideout, but you should climb the boxes and over the railing to the right to sneak in.

Kay preparing to jump over a railing at the Crimson Dawn hideout.
Jump over this railing to sneak into the restricted area. / Ubisoft, GLHF

There’s a person looking at a computer terminal, and you can knock them out easily, then another one but with a guard next to them. 

To deal with both, either send Nix to attack one and then take the two of them out fast, or sneak behind them, knock out the one to the right, and quickly use the Stun Shot of your blaster on the guard.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of Kay sneaking behind two guards.
Knocking these two out can be tricky, but Nix is always there to help. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Even if you get detected, rushing towards the elevator to the left should allow you to escape, but your reputation with the Crimson Dawn may suffer a bit. There’s a security camera in front of the elevator, so make sure it’s looking away while you sneak in.

When you reach the lower level, you will find Eleera’s keycard on a table to the left. There’s a landing pad straight ahead, but you don’t need to go there for the card.

Kay looking at a table with an elevator door in the background.
Eleera's keycard is just around the corner from the elevator, on this table. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Zafi’s Vault Keycard location

Zafi’s Vault Keycard has been stolen by shipjackers and is hidden in the Shipjackers Workshop, which is a camp inside a big cave. The location is to the south-southwest of the Crimson Dawn Hideout and will be marked on your map.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot, showing in-game map of Zafi's Vault Keycard location.
Zafi's keycard is hidden inside the Shipjackers Workshop. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Approach the big rock where the cave is located from the south. There’s a small camp in front of the main entrance, but you can bypass it by entering from another opening you will find a bit to the west.

Once you’re inside the cave, you can deal with the guards in any order you like, but your goal is to reach the big blocked chamber you will see to the right of the main entrance. To do this, you first have to climb on top of the circular platform at the center of the cave.

Kay sneaking inside a cave with a chamber blocked by a red barrier visible in the background.
Zafi's keycard is in the blocked chamber to the right. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Taking down as many guards as possible while sneaking is key, and you may have to shoot down a few remaining ones if you get detected.

Once on the landing pad, look towards the blocked chamber and you will see a metal box hanging from the rail in front of it, and a button which you have to activate to move it towards you. 

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot of Kay looking at a button, with a metal box hanging from a rail in the distance.
The button will bring the metal box close to you, allowing you to hang on it. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Climb on top the metal containers behind you, then send Nix to activate the button again, and jump immediately on the hanging box to hold onto it. The box will start moving back, transporting you to the blocked area.

Next to the red barrier blocking your way is a shutter. Ask Nix to open it for you and shoot the power coil inside to disable the barrier and unlock the chamber. Zafi’s Vault Keycard is on a box to the left.

Kay looking at a red barrier blocking a chamber behind it, with a small shutter next to it.
Use Nix to hold the shutter open for you, and blast it with your gun. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Odana’s Vault Keycard location

The last keycard is on Renpalli Station, a small space outpost orbiting around Toshara. Go to your starship and take off. Once you’re in Toshara’s orbit, navigate towards the station. Make sure Odana’s Vault Keycard is your active tracked quest, to get a location marker to follow. Initiate landing at the station when prompted.

Kay's starship, The Trailblazer, flying towards Renpalli Station in Toshara Orbit.
Approaching Renpalli Station. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Once you exit your ship, head towards the door next to the ship mechanic and down the only corridor to the elevator. On the upper level, go straight ahead, and you will see a door on your left-hand side. You will need the keycard you stole from the vault to open it.

Star Wars Outlaws in-game map of Renpalli Station, with purple circle marking the location of Odana's Vault Keycard
The exact location of Odana's keycard on Renpalli Station. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Inside, you will find Odana’s Vault Keycard on a smal round table to the right. That’s all three keycards you need, and now you can head back to the vault and open it. Go back to your ship, take off and travel back to Mirogana.

Kay in a dark room with a small round table and a big chest next to it.
Odana's keycard is waiting for you on the table. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Unlocking the Crimson Dawn Vault and rewards

Sneak back into the vault in Mirogana’s Crimson Dawn district on Toshara, just like you did to get the intel about the keycards’ locations. Once you’re back in the vault room, just unblock the small chamber using your keycards and open the chest.

Kay in front of a small chamber blocked by a red barrier with a prompt to use a keycard.
Use the keycards to unlock the vault chamber. / Ubisoft, GLHF

Leave the Restricted area quickly by climbing the ladder and jumping from the floor above the vault room towards the staircase that leads out of the Crimson Dawn district.

There are two rewards you’ll get from the Crimson Dawn Vault chest. It contains 5,500 credits, quite a hefty amount, and the Crimson Reign Paint Job for your speeder.

Star Wars Outlaws screenshot showing a paint job applied to Kay's
The Crimson Reign Paint Job for your speeder. / Ubisoft, GLHF

If you're looking for more Star Wars Outlaws guides, here's how to find Jet Kordo’s Toshara Vault. For everything else, check out our Star Wars Outlaws walkthrough.

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Stoyan Ovcharov


Stoyan Ovcharov is a writer and editor based in Sofia, Bulgaria. You can find him in Barcelona too. International Relations graduate. Gaming since 1995. Likes RPGs, shooters, and strategy games.