How to find Jet Kordo’s Legacy Akiva Miyuki Vaults in Star Wars Outlaws

Jet Kordo has two Vaults to find in Akiva, here's everything you need to find them with the Holotracker.
Akiva Forgotten Vault
Akiva Forgotten Vault / Ubisoft

Jet Kordo, the former captain of The Trailblazer, has hidden most of his stash in different places around the galaxy of Star Wars: Outlaws. He’s like the Pirate King, except he didn’t stop at hiding just one treasure. If you want to earn all of the Scoundrel gearset in Star Wars: Outlaws, you’re in the right place.

In this guide we’re breaking down everything you need to find Jet Kordo’s Vaults on Akiva. He’s left two precious treasures on Akiva in two Vaults, and that means you need to find two different Holodiscs, too. Just scroll down below for a step-by-step guide to finding Jet Kordo’s Akiva Vaults in Star Wars: Outlaws.

Before finding these Vaults, make sure you’ve unlocked Jet Kordo’s Toshara Vault first.

Jet Kordo's Legacy, Akiva Vault 1: Overgrown Vault

Getting the Overgrown Vault Holodisc – Star Wars: Outlaws

Holodisc conversation location.
Holodisc conversation location. / Ubisoft

The Holodisc is being sold by a “Shady Merchant” in Myrra. Near Myrra’s exit, in Artisan’s Row, sitting by a fountain, you will find a woman talking about the Shady Merchant. 

Holodisc vendor.
Holodisc vendor. / Ubisoft

Once you’ve spoken to her, the Merchant will appear in the Market District, next to the Pyke District. You can buy the Overgrown Vault Holodisc for 100 Credits.

Overgrown Vault Holomap location – Star Wars: Outlaws

Overgrown Vault Holomap.
Overgrown Vault Holomap. / Ubisoft

You can see from the Holomap that the Tuning Stone is somewhere near a tall stone structure with multiple rounded sections – this is the Delma Water Tower. There’s only one location like this in Akiva, but you’ll need the hydro-repulsor mod for your Speeder to reach it. Make sure to follow the main quest until you unlock the hydro-repulsor permanently.

Overgrown Vault Tuning Stone location.
Overgrown Vault Tuning Stone location. / Ubisoft

Follow the river North from Myrra on your Speeder to find a small settlement near Salea’s Hand. The Water Tower you need is just North of the river here, and you can move on foot to walk over a fallen tree as a bridge. From there, head right to find the tuning stone.

Overgrown Vault location – Star Wars: Outlaws

Overgrown Vault button location.
Overgrown Vault button location. / Ubisoft

The location of the Vault is near the settlement we just came through – head back over the tree bridge and take the path lead right, around the rear of the settlement. You’ll find a rock wall to descend, and then walk forward and take the left. The button you need is on the rear side of a ruin here. This will open up the Overgrown Vault, allowing you to retrieve the Blaster Recirculator – and a hint about another Vault on Akiva.

Jet Kordo's Legacy, Akiva Vault 2: Forgotten Vault

Getting the Forgotten Vault Holodisc – Star Wars: Outlaws

Holodisc conversation.
Holodisc conversation. / Ubisoft

To get started with the Forgotten Vault, head back to Myrra again. You can lean against a wall near Satrap’s Promenade to listen in on two Huttese-speaking hired guns. They will mention that a “new guy” is getting full of himself and has been bragging about a Holodisc that will make him rich. Sounds like the guy we need.

Lure the Holodisc owner out.
Lure the Holodisc owner out. / Ubisoft

When you find the waypoint location you’re given after the conversation, you’ll find it leads directly to the man you need. There’s some tall grass to the right of the area he’s guarding – you can hold left on the D-pad to whistle and lure him towards you so you can silently take him out, and retrieve the Holodisc.

Forgotten Vault Holomap location – Star Wars: Outlaws

This can be found far to the North.
This can be found far to the North. / Ubisoft

The Holomap is pretty clear at least – the Tuning Stone is on a small island that features a single tree. There’s one just like that far to the North of this location.

Forgotten Vault Tuning Stone location.
Forgotten Vault Tuning Stone location. / Ubisoft

Head there and you’ll find the Tuning Stone to the rear of the island.

Forgotten Vault location – Star Wars: Outlaws

Find a cove far to the North.
Find a cove far to the North. / Ubisoft

Unfortunately you can use the Holotracker’s beep to orient yourself when on the Speeder. This is a shame, because the Forgotten Vault is found way to the North of the map. You’ll find a cove.

Take the Speeder up the ramp on the right side.
Take the Speeder up the ramp on the right side. / Ubisoft

Inside, head to the far right and you’ll find a ramp you can boost the Speeder over in order to find the entrance to the Forgotten Vault.

How to turn off the Forgotten Vault turret – Star Wars: Outlaws

Forgotten Vault turret.
Forgotten Vault turret. / Ubisoft

One more task to accomplish! A turret will activate when you try to open the container inside the Vault – the button to deactivate the turret is to the right, and you can use Nix to shut it off if you don’t want to get out of cover.

Forgotten Vault rewards.
Forgotten Vault rewards. / Ubisoft

Finally, your reward will be Scoundrel Pants, in addition to some more Jet Kordo lore.

Jet Kordo’s Legacy finale, the final Miyuki Vault – Star Wars: Outlaws

Once you’ve completed all of Jet Kordo’s Vaults on Toshara, Akiva, Tatooine, and Kijimi, ND-5 will leave a “Tinkered Holodisc” on the ship for you to collect. If you haven’t visited those worlds and completed those Vaults, you should do so:

Take the Tinkered Holodisc to the first Vault you visited on Toshara, and you’ll find a new slot for the Holodisc to be inserted in, and a new, final Vault door will open up.

In the final Jet Kordo Miyuki Vault, you’ll find the Cocktail Umbrella Major Charm (very useful), and finally, Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 8.

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Dave Aubrey


GLHF Deputy Editor. Nintendo fan. Rapper. Pretty good at video games.