How to find Jet Kordo’s Legacy, Toshara Miyuki Vault in Star Wars Outlaws

Earn the Scoundrel Belt and progress Jet Kordo's questline in Star Wars: Outlaws.
Holotracker / Ubisoft

Once ND-5 joins your ship in Star Wars: Outlaws, you can collect the Holotracker and start hunting down the precious gear of the former captain of The Trailblazer, Jet Kordo. What happened to Jet and his crew during their final heist is a mystery that you will uncover over the course of the multi-stage quest, but the first bit will have you hunting down gear on Toshara.

In this guide we’re breaking down everything you need to know to find Jet Kordo’s vault on Toshara so you can get started with his wider questline, and you’ll get a nice piece of gear out of finishing it too.

For more loot, make sure to check out our hidden stash quest guide and how to win at Sabbac.

Jet Kordo’s Legacy, Toshara Hologram Map Vault location – Star Wars Outlaws

Jet Kordo Toshara Hologram Map
Jet Kordo Toshara Hologram Map / Ubisoft

The first place you need to go is The Lost Steppe. Just Southwest of Typhon’s Rock you’ll find a small building, and to the the South of that building is a stone with a symbol engraved on it. Interact with the stone and your Holotracker will start beeping.

Jet Kordo Toshara map location.
Jet Kordo Toshara hologram map location. / Ubisoft

Head in the direction of the Holotracker’s beeps to continue to the next step of the quest.

Interact with this stone.
Interact with this stone. / Ubisoft

Opening Jet Kordo’s Toshara Vault – Star Wars Outlaws

This button is hidden on the East side of the cave.
This button is hidden on the East side of the cave. / Ubisoft

Head towards the Holotracker’s beeps and you’ll find yourself at a large rock structure – enter on the bottom level, and use the Holotracker’s beeps to navigate.

There’s a button in this room hidden on a rock, and you’ll only get an interact icon when you get very close to it. The button releases a ladder, allowing you to climb inside of Jet Kordo’s Vault. Head towards the Eastern part of the underground section of the structure, and you’ll be pretty closed to the button pictured above.

Jet Kordo's next message.
Jet Kordo's next message. / Ubisoft

Once inside the vault you’ll earn the Scoundrel Belt, and you’ll get some hints about where to find more of Jet Kordo’s hidden stash.

Jet Kordo’s Legacy finale, the final Miyuki Vault – Star Wars: Outlaws

Once you’ve completed all of Jet Kordo’s Vaults on Toshara, Akiva, Tatooine, and Kijimi, ND-5 will leave a “Tinkered Holodisc” on the ship for you to collect. If you haven’t visited those worlds and completed those Vaults, you should do so:

Take the Tinkered Holodisc to the first Vault you visited on Toshara, and you’ll find a new slot for the Holodisc to be inserted in, and a new, final Vault door will open up.

In the final Jet Kordo Miyuki Vault, you’ll find the Cocktail Umbrella Major Charm (very useful), and finally, Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 8.

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Dave Aubrey


GLHF Deputy Editor. Nintendo fan. Rapper. Pretty good at video games.