Star Wars Outlaws: Who should you give the Origin Strand to?

This tricky choice could have major ramifications for your reputation

Star Wars Outlaws is a massive game, filled with dozens of side quests and almost as many main quests. As you travel throughout all of Star Wars Outlaws’ planets, you’ll be caught up in some pretty intense stories, and few are as intense as the main storyline on the ice planet of Kijimi, which has you caught up in a coup attempt among the Ashiga Clan, with a few Crimson Dawn influences in there, too. 

At one pivotal part of the questline, you’ll be tasked with tracking down the Origin Strand, the sequenced DNA of the Ashiga Clan that gives power to anyone who wields it, and are given a choice: give the Strand to the Queen of the clan, or give it to her daughter, Krisk, who wants to take over the clan. 

In this guide, we’ll go over who you should give the Origin Strand to in Star Wars Outlaws, whether or not it has a major impact on the story, and what the rewards and downsides are to each choice. 

Star Wars Outlaws: Who should you give the Origin Strand to? 

If you don’t care about the story ramifications at all and simply want to pick whichever option gives you the best gameplay outcomes, you should give the Origin Strand to Krisk. From a purely mechanical standpoint, this option is the better of the two, and neither choice significantly alters the course of the game’s story or its gameplay. 

As for rewards, there are none in particular for siding with either side, but siding with the Queen will cause you to lose a significant chunk of reputation with Crimson Dawn. Siding with Krisk has no reputation loss, but also no reputation gain. 

If you do care about the story ramifications, read on, but be aware there are heavy spoilers in the sections below. 

Star Wars Outlaws: Should you give the Origin Strand to Krisk? 

To give a bit of background here, Krisk is the daughter of the Queen of the Ashiga Clan, and she thinks she could do a better job of being the leader than her mother. This, along with the prompting of the shadowy Crimson Dawn who want to install a leader they’re on better terms with, leads to Krisk essentially initiating a coup. 

Giving the Origin Strand to Krisk will have her assuming the crown of the Ashiga Clan, slitting the now former queen’s throat and taking her crown. From that point onwards, Krisk will be the head of the clan, but this has no impact on gameplay or major ramifications for the story. 

As mentioned above, this option does not change your reputation with any group. 

Star Wars Outlaws: Should you give the Origin Strand to the Queen? 

The Queen, naturally, doesn’t want to give up her power, and is pretty skeptical of the Crimson Dawn and its influence on Krisk and her coup attempt. The clan needs to be strong, too, and as its leader, she needs to make an example of Krisk to ward off any further attempts at questioning her power. 

Giving the Origin Strand to the Queen will have her ordering her guards to kill Krisk on the spot – she wouldn’t want to get her hands dirty, after all – and continue her leadership of the Ashiga Clan. The Queen will retain her position throughout the rest of the game, and like above, this has no impact on gameplay or major ramifications for the story. 

Siding with the Queen will have you losing a lot of reputation with Crimson Dawn, who were betting on you to depose her. In our game, we were barely above the line into Excellent reputation, and this decision dropped us just barely into the upper end of Poor. 

Oliver Brandt


Oliver Brandt is a writer based in Tasmania, Australia. A marketing and journalism graduate, they have a love for puzzle games, JRPGs, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and any platformer with a double jump.