Should you sell Gorak’s ring in Star Wars Outlaws?

Nix helped you steal Gorak's ring, but should you sell it for 500 credits?
Ubisoft / GLHF

Star Wars Outlaws is filled with scoundrels of all shapes and sizes — not only do you play as one, but just about every character you come across is a bit of a scoundrel, too. One of those scoundrels is Gorak, the head of the Pyke Syndicate, a terrifying criminal enterprise with a lot of influence throughout the far reaches of the galaxy. 

Early on in the story, our hero Kay Vess will come across the crime lord in a fated meeting that sets off her journey, plunging her deep into the underworld of the galaxy. During this meeting, her little cat-lizard friend Nix will steal a ring, and there are a few different options once you do. 

In this guide, we’ll go over whether or not you should sell Gorak’s ring, and explain when it will come into play again. 

Make sure you also check out our guides for how to access your DLC items in Star Wars Outlaws and how to manually save the game, both of which require an investment of a few hours into the game. 

Star Wars Outlaws: Should you sell Gorak’s ring? 

Star Wars Outlaws: A menu with an item called Gorak's Ring highlighted, with a description saying it could have use later.
Ubisoft / GLHF

Shortly after your first meeting with Gorak, you’ll find that you’ve got an item in your valuables inventory called Gorak’s Ring. While this is in the same section as items you can, and should, sell, the description of Gorak’s Ring is a little bit different to most valuables: 

This item can be sold for credits, but it could have some use later. 

That’s pretty mysterious! The ring will sell for 500 credits – a little more if you sell it to a favored Syndicate vendor – which is a pretty healthy stack of cash early on in the game, but as the description hints at, there is a use for it later on in the game. 

Star Wars Outlaws: Should you give Gorak’s ring back? 

Star Wars Outlaws: Kay Vess standing in Gorak's parlor with two options to select from - Keep the ring or Give the ring
Ubisoft / GLHF

After a series of events that definitely did not work out in Gorak’s favor, quite a bit later in the game, Kay will come face to face with the crime lord once more. Here, he’ll call Kay out and ask her to return the ring. Doing so will give Kay a small but healthy boost to her reputation with the Pykes. However, not returning the ring doesn’t result in a loss of reputation, and you’re free to cash it in for your 500 credits after that. 

If you already have a good reputation with the Pykes, or you don’t care about improving your reputation with them, you should either sell the ring or hold onto it. If you desperately want to impress Gorak and his team of lackeys, or if you find yourself being hunted down by the Pyke’s death squad, you should probably give the ring back to him — by the time this becomes relevant, making money in Star Wars Outlaws won’t be difficult at all. 

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Oliver Brandt


Oliver Brandt is a writer based in Tasmania, Australia. A marketing and journalism graduate, they have a love for puzzle games, JRPGs, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and any platformer with a double jump.