Zelda Echoes of Wisdom: How to activate flower buttons

These peculiar buttons can be tricky to activate if you don't know what you're doing
Nintendo / GLHF

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is filled with environmental puzzles – one could even say the whole environment itself is a puzzle – and solving these puzzles is a core part of the experience. Dungeons offer a more concentrated selection of puzzles, and a few dungeons just after the halfway point of the game feature a very curious type of puzzle: flower buttons. 

Flower buttons appear in a few mid-game dungeons, always in pairs, and it’s not immediately clear how to activate them. You can depress them with objects, enemies, and creatures as much as you like, but unless you do it just right, you won’t be able to move forward. 

In this guide we’ll take you through how to activate flower buttons, and the best strategy to do so. 

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom: How to activate flower buttons 

Flower buttons can only be activated if both buttons are pressed, but you’ll have to be smart about how you do it. That’s because both buttons have to be pressed at the exact same time, which can be a little bit tricky. There are multiple ways to do this, but how you approach the puzzle depends on your environment and which echoes you have available to you. 

In the ice dungeon pictured at the top of this article, you can push the ice block toward the flower button on the right, then move to step on the button at the bottom of the screen yourself, timing it so you step on the button at the same time that the ice block hits the right button. 

In other dungeons, you’ll have to use one of Echoes of Wisdom's many echoes. Any echo that moves autonomously in a straight line along the ground is a good option, and there are a couple of good ones to choose from. The Armos statue echo, which can usually be found near these puzzles, is a great choice for this, but timing its hops can be somewhat tricky at times. The Pathblade is another very solid option — while it’s quite fast, you can bookend it with Boulder echoes so it moves on and off the button rapidly, giving you an easier time with timing your own step. You can also use the Ice Block echo.

You don’t have to keep both buttons depressed after they’re activated, either. Once they’ve been activated, the effect is permanent, so you won’t have to worry about it ever again. 

Oliver Brandt

Oliver Brandt is a writer based in Tasmania, Australia. A marketing and journalism graduate, they have a love for puzzle games, JRPGs, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and any platformer with a double jump.