Firewalk unveils Concord roadmap ahead of hero shooter’s launch

Vague, but full
Firewalk Studios

Firewalk’s multiplayer game Concord isn’t out yet, but the team released their first Concord roadmap anyway with a vague taste of what’s in store. You’ll have a bit of time to get used to the modes and heroes – Freegunners, in Concord speak – before Firewalk starts shaking things up, as the first season goes live in October 2024.

When that happens, you can expect a new Freegunner, along with fresh Freegunner variants; new cosmetics; a new map; more vignettes; and some general QoL updates based on player feedback after launch. January 2025 sees Concord Season 2 go live, with a round of updates that follow the first season, in addition to a new game mode.

Firewalk didn’t say what these Freegunners, maps, and modes might bring to the game, so it’s all pretty vague at this point. Based on what game director Ryan Ellis said in the PlayStation Blog accompanying the roadmap, it sounds like those variants might be a big deal. Variants are, Ellis said, versions of Freegunners with different skills who you can slot into your crew builder to cover weaknesses and expect them to generally perform better than their base versions.

Ellis said the idea is to lend Concord the air of a deck builder and help you dig deep into how your favorite heroes play and learn their ins and outs on a deeper level. You still need to play to your role and figure out how other Freegunners work, though, as each custom crew can only have three variants.

“[The setup] allows the meta to evolve continuously in exciting new ways, as you unlock new Freegunner Variants and new Freegunners and Variants are introduced over time with each season,” Ellis said. “When we step back and think about what drew us to make Concord and what we love most about multiplayer games, it’s exactly that: the potential for continuous evolution…. and it’s the sense of adventure of finding out, together.”

You can start finding out, together, on August 23, 2024, when Concord launches on PS5 and PC. For Firewalk's sake, here's hoping it goes over better than the Concord beta in July.

Josh Broadwell