Crusader Kings 3 Update 1.13.1 patch notes: Cheaper Akritai and more

Find out what the CK3 update from October 8, 2024, has to offer
Paradox Interactive

Paradox Interactive has published Update 1.13.1 for Crusader Kings 3 on October 8, 2024, which brings lots of fixes and adjustments to the newly released Roads to Power DLC.

One of the major changes will be of great use for anyone currently playing as a ruler with the Greek culture: Akritai, a man-at-arms type the Greeks have access to, had their maintenance significantly reduced. Apparently, a little math error had made their running costs way too high initially, so the skirmishers should be a lot more affordable now – which is great, since they do a good job in much of the rough terrain that dominates Greece, the Balkans, and Asia Minor.

Several other balance changes revolve around the new Administrative Government type and the AI’s actions within it.

You can find the full CK3 Update 1.13.1 patch notes below.

Crusader Kings 3 Update 1.13.1 patch notes


  • Significantly reduced the maintenance cost of Akritai. Due to a math error, the cost was way higher than intended. Math is hard.
  • Increased the AI weights for estate buildings slightly. The AI should hopefully construct new buildings more evenly between holdings and estate compared to before.
  • Landless administrative characters can no longer use the “Request governorship” interaction on titles held by non-admin rulers.
  • Changed the AI slightly for how likely it is to use the “Adopt state faith” decision: Reduced the base chance and made zealous characters never wanting to do it, but added a few additional modifiers which increases the overall chance.
  • Updated the “Adopt state faith” decision to be available to all vassals, regardless of government type, when the top liege has a state faith.
  • Adjusted the AI acceptance for requesting a council position in exchange for influence to make it a bit more difficult to become a councilor.
  • The AI is now more reluctant to accept if your skill is significantly lower than the target councilor's, but is in return more likely to accept if you belong to a powerful family while the councilor does not.
  • Instead of making it more likely for the AI to adopt administrative government if they have the hereditary hierarchy cultural tradition, the tradition will instead slightly reduce the AI's willingness to become administrative.
  • Updated several cases of when administrative rulers are forced to change government in order to better transition into a government type you would expect. The government a character gets should be more consistent across the board as a result.
  • Updated the cost logic in the Depose Governor interaction and how it uses Governor Efficiency to influence the cost.


  • Fixed the AI not upgrading more than one internal slot in their Domiciles.
  • Fixed game lobby so you can create landless adventurers in theocratic or republic realms.
  • Made sure that not every single member of a faction could have been forced to be there. You figure at some point someone would ask the awkward question if everybody actually wants to start a rebellion.
  • Fix locked domicile building slot tooltip.
  • Clarified “The X path — ascension” tooltip to inform the player that the holy site used must also worship your faith.
  • We now display how many marriageable characters a ruler has when using “Make a request,” including filtering out anyone they'd be unlikely to offer in marriage.
  • “Become an adventurer” decision will now list all cultural traditions and faith tenets that unlock the decision, and not just the really cool ones.
  • Fixed an issue where a diarch could become independent and be called co-co-co-co-co... and so on. This should hopefully no longer happen.
  • Fixed the selected amount of influence in the request imperial expedition interaction not matching the threshold at which you can force your liege to accept. Now, if the liege doesn't have enough influence compared to how much you are spending, the liege will always say yes.
  • The imperial expedition cb is now only visible in the list of cbs when you are the co-emperor.
  • Corrected a niche issue where the increase county control contract could get into an infinite rewards loop if only one county was valid.
  • Made sure the right ship models were used while traveling, instead of always falling back to the default ship model.
  • The governance issue "Public Land" should no longer target dead characters. They've earned their final rest.
  • Added a tooltip for the mandatory admittance fee to the chariot races.
  • The “Confirm governor” decision now tells you what you'll get if your audience is accepted.
  • Added a missing loc key label to the tooltip for offering a eunuch to someone you have a hook on.
  • Corrected an issue where historically defined adventurers would sometimes be treated slightly differently in inheritance logic than dynamically created adventurers.
  • “For a bit of gold” event will no longer offer you discounted upgrades only to fail to deliver them if your domicile could not build them.
  • Corrected a minor temporal anomaly in the event loc for “A bit of gold” event.
  • Corrected some minor issues in the populist faction copy for administrative realms.
  • Added missing event option reasons for the head groom, kenneler, and chief engineer camp officers.
  • Corrected an issue where the faith ascension events could refer to your own faith as flawed (which, naturally, it definitely, definitely couldn't be).
  • Fixed a minor typo in the “Abundant initiative” eunuch event.
  • Ransom cages now correctly unlock the abduct scheme for adventurers regardless of whether they have the appropriate perk or not.
  • In administrative realms the most powerful noble family heads are now considered as ‘powerful vassals’
  • Landed guardians will no longer travel to wards that are landless administrative rulers.
  • Added reduce stress as a valid intent for attending chariot races, so that everyone can attend medieval nascar for something other than politics.
  • Adjusted clan succession. Friendly and harmonious gave the player heir a smaller portion of your titles than intended (33% and 66% respectively). Values have been increased to 50% and 75%.
  • Made the grant title blocker loc for giving governors a second title of their highest held tier a little more precise.
  • The marriage window now informs you if you have vassals that would be upset by you marrying that attractive genius lowborn.
  • Adventurers can no longer attempt to earn influence whilst attending chariot races.
  • Added legitimacy-specific loc to whispers in the wind.
  • Using adopt faith on your spouse/liege will now, if appropriate, open the cheaper & more beneficial adopt state faith decision window instead.
  • Moved Hasan story cycle decision triggers to be visible at all times and grouped them into a new category.
  • Enabled event on caliph death in the hasan story cycle to be able to progress the story on the assassins path even if the caliphate had no heir.
  • Put in some extra exception logic to help stop co-emperors from occasionally silently invalidating out of their positions.
  • Appointing someone your co-ruler now moves them to your court/retracts their sub-vassal status, if appropriate.
  • Fixed an edge case where great conquerors who had either not killed anyone or killed someone not on the battlefield would have an inaccurate recollection of their first kill.
  • Court positions that cost no upkeep for adventurers now correctly tooltip the reason they're free in their salary breakdown.
  • Made it possible for bookmakers to be terrible by lowering their base aptitude slightly.
  • Forced the bookmaker to stop tricking their employer. The chariot race cost reduction provided by said court position now correctly scales with their level of aptitude, as stated by the description.
  • Now prevents war leaders from disbanding their armies, instantly losing the war. Secondary war participants are always allowed to disband their armies in their domicile location.
  • The “Adopt State Faith” decision will now correctly tell you that the decision is unavailable when you are involved in an activity.
  • Fixed a case of AI reasoning related to being a powerful vassal not showing the value of how much it affected the acceptance.
  • Fixed the administrative "request council position" interaction to not refund any of the spent influence. It will now refund half the cost if the liege declines. Updated the description in the interaction to reflect it.
  • Succeeding at impersonating as a tax collector as part of a landless adventurer contract will now properly grant the critical success reward.
  • Fixed the explanatory loc string in the rustle animals contract to correctly refer to the actual event chain challenge it creates, rather than saying it'd offer a prowess scheme.
  • Fixed a case of dead people being selected as heirs, which could cause various glitches on ruler death.
  • Added the icon for governor efficiency to a number of places that were missing it, such as a number of character modifiers.
  • Added a missing description for the "restored theme" character modifier.
  • Fixed a grammar issue when attempting to change the administration of a theme when you don't have one.
  • Added new text for the influence gained of being a co-emperor.
  • When a scheme target is ambitious, the text will now specify that it is, in fact, the target that has the trait.
  • Target's learning impact in the challenge status scheme now clearly indicates that it's the target's learning skill we are looking at.
  • Fixed the cost of archery and duel tournaments if you have the militia camps or blacksmiths building, so it properly provides a 50% cost reduction rather than 10%.
  • The encyclopedia entry about accolade attributes is now clearer and has no duplicate entries.
  • Changed the amount of buildings at startup for estates, so they no longer grab locked slots in certain bookmarks.
  • The barony window will no longer open for water tiles.
  • Knight regiments will no longer be counted incorrectly in some tooltips.
  • The expose secret window will now show the correct view.
  • Displayed decision description in the first step of the recruit for a court position decision.
  • Ensured that you can choose your own chaplain, instead of it being auto-filled, if you have ruler clerical appointment.
  • Ensured you can use the "retire from governorship" decision in admin kingdoms.
  • Fixed primogeniture succession for byzantium, if played by someone who does not have the roads to power dlc.
  • Fixed a loc issue with a house feud event, when the last remaining member of the feuding house dies in your prison.
  • Implicit claims from admin rulers have been disabled.
  • Long reign opinion bonus now correctly scales on the ruler's dynasty's splendor instead of the vassal's.
  • Made it more likely to show other loading screens besides the latest one.
  • Tweaked medi study event scene illustration.
  • Blocked characters from requesting a character to support themselves for an appointment.
  • Baronies now have zero loot after a siege and will get the appropriate modifier applied.
  • Included liege's noble family title in noble_family script lists if they have one.
  • Fixed travel option tooltip data when they're shown outside of the travel planning UI.
  • Fixed tooltip names for MaA belonging to mercenaries and holy orders.
  • Clarified effect localization for adding and removing house modifiers.
  • Barred the AI from marriage for the defined time period only if their liege or top liege is the player.
  • On_end effects for court position tasks are now run if the court position is revoked or the holder dies.
  • Added clarifying text to travel speed and safety game concepts explaining that a character's contribution can never be below 0.
  • Fixed empty state text for imperial armies tab.
  • Added error logging when trying to check prowess with highest_skill trigger which isn't supported.
  • Fixed guardian being referred to as parent in smuggling sweets event.
  • Fixed wrong legacy requirement in legendary watchtower build condition.
  • Fixed broken text if your dog saves you in a murder scheme.
  • Fixed potential for ludicrously large county list tooltip in a romantic revenant event.
  • Trampled baker in maunds of wheat now added to kill list.
  • Improved current situation log entry for debt when landless.
  • Jizya status feudal vassal contract can now be used by lieges with the jizya or tax non-believer tenets once again.
  • Fixed missing text in mentor in governance events if target was not a governor.
  • Fixed capitalization in rites of passage: hair-shaving event.
  • Added missing tooltip for cooldown for chief eunuch recruitment.
  • Fixed empty random outcomes in “I could do better!” event.
  • Fixed broken text in “Admires Legitimacy” message.
  • Fixed broken text in the event “Prisoner Escaped!”.
  • Fixed overflowing description in event to belong somewhere.
  • Fixed a devoted follower camp temperament event option not adding agent to scheme.
  • Fixed close-zoom map icon offsets.
  • Fixed Message Settings correctly saving or discarding changes.
  • Fixed message settings shortcut obscuring 2nd character.
  • Expanded trigger to make sure the AI only stops supporting a character's candidacy for the top title when they don't want it, instead of doing it for all titles.
  • The Governor trait is now called Governess for women.
  • Raiding armies will no longer count as defenders when being attacked in settlements without forts by the owner of the settlement.
  • Fixed issue where some agent slots would show up as empty in schemes for rulers.
  • Fixed issue where landless adventurers wouldn’t be able to raise armies in provinces they had occupied.
  • You can no longer ask a candidate to support themself when using the Request Appointment Support interaction.
  • Loyalty or Fear Event no longer assumes landless rulers have vassals.
  • Fixed the issue of the AI literally ALWAYS auto accepting wars. They have been convinced that they have something worth fighting for after all.
  • Fixed the tournament cooldown loc for Make a Request.
  • Fixed the issue of eyelashes brightening by decreasing specular light.
  • Added audio stinger when creating a legend.
  • Added cultural context to the message when losing Culture Head title.
  • Fixed knight regiments count in the top-right counter.
  • Prowess is no longer included in the "Sum of skills" used for sorting.
  • Fixed court position appointment tooltip for camp officers.
  • Clarified that only personal artifact claims are lost on losing a duel.
  • Fixed text issues in murder event "En Route" referring to terrain, which wouldn't refer to the terrain of the target's capital as expected, and instead use the target's location.
  • Updated the description of a couple of triggers for Grant Appointment to improve clarity.
  • Fixed an OOS where domicile buildings could get mixed up.
  • Fixed some edge cases where Commanders could be raised as Knights and still keep commanding their armies, potentially making them appear in two different locations at once.
  • Improved several game concepts and messages related to the Harrying.
  • Fixed crash to desktop from travels when stars aligned with the moon while the moon is in a waxing phase. That is to say: fixed CTD when a travel plan is created from the on_action of an ending travel plan during the daily update while the list of active travel plans is at its exact capacity.
  • Fixed a crash when holding trying to calculate the number of free building slots.
  • Fixed rare crash from vassal contracts when attempting to load older save games.
  • Fixed various issues related to the usurpation of admin titles.
  • Petition liege no longer always results in gold and renown for feudal characters.
  • Non-Temujin Genghis Khans no longer get a secondary education trait upon becoming Great Khan, which could happen if they had a non-martial education trait.
  • You will now actually return the reclaimed artifact to the contract giver in the Reclaim Artifact contract.
  • Reduced frequency of spectacles for Scholar camp characters by 75%.
  • Byzantium should now give in to same-culture populist demands to change the state faith much less often, and never at all if the populists demand a change to another religion (such as from Orthodox -> Ashari).
  • Fixed an issue where you could get stuck if you tried to travel whilst doing a contract.
  • Fixed an issue where you could get stuck if you were imprisoned while petitioning your liege.
  • Fixed an issue where same-sex characters could end up married in specific circumstances, despite the game rules saying otherwise.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not get prisoners from sieges in wars.
  • Fixed some issues with the history files around Byzantine lands for those who don't own Roads to Power.
  • Added rain VFX to the event 'Shelter from the Storm'
  • The 'A Worthy Chief Eunuch' event is now more likely to have one alternative of your culture and faith.
  • Fixed Byzantine Throne Room being lost when forming Rome
  • Fixed Roman capital being in Rome even if you formed Rome as Byzantium
  • Nobles holding only their Family Title will no longer join factions due to the Byzantine Emperor not being their De Jure Liege.
  • Filters in the Courtiers window now correctly affect both hired positions and empty positions.
  • Fixed a ‘Modifiers’ OOS on hotjoin
  • We will now return your gold and prestige if you choose to postpone the "Travels of " decision when you get the follow-up event.
  • Fixed an issue where the contract "Eager Explorers" could get stuck if the contract employer died while you were doing it.
  • Removed duplicate script for scaling modifiers using influence levels. These modifiers should be using nothing but influence levels now.
  • Fixed numerous issues with the Duchy Expansion CB. Rather than always attempting to take the title, it will primarily vassalize the target if possible, and only usurp the title when applicable. This fixes issues where you would not always get all of the targeted land. The duchy title will also be created if it isn't already, and you take enough land to have more than 50% of its de jure.
  • The Naval Duchy Expansion CB didn't match one-to-one in functionality with its land based equivalent. This has been fixed and the Naval variant now behaves as intended.
  • Solved a "Secrets" hotjoin OOS.
  • Leaving or switching sides in a war that you'd contracted yourself to assist in no longer blocks you from contracting again
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes add a helmet crest without a helmet to court physicians who are also knights.
  • Fixed OOS where domicile buildings would be mixed up.
  • Fixed inappropriate artifacts sometimes being made for aniconic faiths.


  • When traveling with a Domicile (such as a Camp) a 3D model of cart and horses are shown on the map
  • We now show if a character has been forced to take part in a faction in the faction commitment screen, so it is clearer who wants to be there versus those who have been forced to be there.
  • Added tooltips to a couple of buttons that didn't have any in the imperial armies ui.
  • Fix collapsible groups for the domicile buildings overview.
  • Added an option to write a custom message to yourself.
  • Added a shortcut from messages to their settings.
  • Add foldable groups to message setting filters
  • Added an accepted task contract HUD icon.
  • Revamped Duel Event window.
  • Fixed bug with background in Activity Event Window shifting in size and not scaling properly.
  • Added improvements to window header art textures and various general improvements.
  • Added a dead icon next to jousting portraits if the character died.
  • Added Domicile information to the outliner, allowing you to see ongoing constructions, income, etc. at a glance.
  • Updated the name of the overview tab in the domicile window to include the name of the domicile type.
  • Added a max width to the Diarchy label in the Relationships tab, in order to keep it from colliding with the Lovers label.
  • Added a sorting option for Candidate Score, available as a sorting for characters in applicable interactions and list when playing as administrative.
  • Fixed text issues in event health.3103 referring to chambers and not tents for adventurers.
  • History, Claimants, and other windows anchored to the Title Window will now open further to the right as to not overlap their parent window
  • Fixed the Grant Title to Vassal list entries being misaligned and having information outside the screen
  • The landless mapmode now only shows the CoA instead of the full portrait when zoomed out.


  • Added some extra landless adventurers in 1066 & 867.
  • The universities of Bologna and Oxford are now constructed if you start a game in 1178.

Game Content

  • Added a new map cart model for when you are moving your camp.
  • Added a new game concept for provincial/thematic armies, to better explain some of their mechanics. for example when they are returned. Added links to it where appropriate.
  • Added new events when you as an administrative ruler change government, to better explain why and when your government changes.
  • Added a new effect to the mortal adoration perk in the intrigue lifestyle for admin, allowing rulers to request provincial troops from lovers.
  • Added a new effect to the friendly counsel perk in the diplomacy lifestyle for admin, allowing rulers to request provincial troops from friends.
  • Added a new decision for administrative government, allowing characters to renounce any and all efforts to gain the throne, preventing the ai from supporting you and significantly reducing your candidate score. this should make it vastly easier to avoid becoming the emperor when you don't want to, yet be valid to compete for governorships.
  • Setting a new culture for a character now looks for a culturally appropriate name equivalent from the name equivalency scripted lists.
  • Made it possible to override the background on interactions via script.
  • Added rival relation to realm conquered adventurers.
  • Updated the county trigger in the Adopt Centralized Administrative decision to show how many counties you currently have, to make it easier to know how close, or far away, you are from completing the requirement.

User Modding

  • Added two new flavourization rules.
  • Adds ability to define custom character sorting options per interaction in script.
  • Add has_domicile_construction trigger to domiciles.
  • Updated the info file for character interactions to include additional information.
  • Removed old save game optimization in regiment chunks where if a regiment's current soldier count and max soldier count were the same, it would instead write it as size. Normally this would not be in change logs, but we know some mods rely on this information, so here you go.
  • Added add_supply effect to army scope.
  • Added subtract_supply effect to army scope.
  • Added clear_supply effect to army scope.
  • Added refill_supply effect to army scope.
  • Added army_supply trigger to army scopes.
  • Changed gui structure in the court positions window by combining the empty and filled court positions into the same list.
  • Added defines for default fallback sounds for messages with one for each type

Marco Wutz

Marco Wutz is a writer from Parkstetten, Germany. He has a degree in Ancient History and a particular love for real-time and turn-based strategy games like StarCraft, Age of Empires, Total War, Age of Wonders, Crusader Kings, and Civilization as well as a soft spot for Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. He began covering StarCraft 2 as a writer in 2011 for the largest German community around the game and hosted a live tournament on a stage at gamescom 2014 before he went on to work for Bonjwa, one of the country's biggest Twitch channels. He branched out to write in English in 2015 by joining, the global center of the StarCraft scene run by Team Liquid, which was nominated as the Best Coverage Website of the Year at the Esports Industry Awards in 2017. He worked as a translator on The Crusader Stands Watch, a biography in memory of Dennis "INTERNETHULK" Hawelka, and provided live coverage of many StarCraft 2 events on the social channels of as well as DreamHack, the world's largest gaming festival. From there, he transitioned into writing about the games industry in general after his graduation, joining GLHF, a content agency specializing in video games coverage for media partners across the globe, in 2021. He has also written for NGL.ONE, kicker, ComputerBild, USA Today's ForTheWin, The Sun, Men's Journal, and Parade. Email: