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Naoki Yoshida teases post-launch FFXIV Dawntrail improvements

Hats! More inventory space!

Square Enix producer Naoki Yoshida teased a handful of welcome new Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail improvements during a recent AMA, including more inventory space and – praise the Twelve – hats for Hrothgar and Viera (thanks, TechRaptor). Yoshida hosted the session on the MMO game’s Chocobo server ahead of FFXIV’s Fanfest event in Tokyo, and he even narrowed Dawntrail’s release timeframe down just a little.

Redditer DrForester also compiled a few questions and answers after the event.

Square Enix said Dawntrail will release sometime in summer 2024, and when one user asked whether October counts as summer, Yoshida said it doesn’t in his book.

On the improvements front, you can expect new housing exterior designs after Dawntrail launches – and, presumably, more houses to purchase, though Yoshida didn’t elaborate on housing availability. He said he wanted to implement these when 7.0 launches, but since the game’s broader graphics improvements are taking up most of the team’s time, the new exteriors will have to wait until later.

House inventory capacity is going up after Dawntrail’s launch, and you’ll have more glamour slots to work with as well. Yoshida said the latter isn’t a high priority, but it’s still on the list.

Also on the list is a set of improvements to how Viera and Hrothgar wear headgear. Most hats don’t work well on either race at the moment, so it sounds like we’ll actually let our giants and bunny folk sport some fancy head pieces in the not-so-distant future.

Finally, and perhaps unsurprisingly, Yoshida suggested the team is working on long-term endgame challenges for Dawntrail in the style of the Bozja and Eureka challenges we have now.

FFXIV’s Tokyo Fanfest begins on Jan. 7, 2024, so expect more news and a look at the upcoming two-color dye feature then.