Expect more frequent Minecraft updates and a native PS5 version

Microsoft’s new Minecraft development update outlines important changes for the blocky builder

The latest Minecraft development update outlines how Microsoft will approach future Minecraft updates and promises a PS5 native version of the sandbox game. Ryan Cooper, Microsoft’s head of Minecraft, detailed some of the changes in a new blog post and said the biggest one is that you can expect more Minecraft updates more often – albeit slightly smaller ones.

“We know that you want new Minecraft content more often, which is why we’re changing our feature development rhythm,” Cooper said. “Instead of providing one free update during the summer, as we’ve done in the past, we’ll now be releasing a number of free game drops throughout the year. These game drops will vary in size and will bring you features to explore more frequently.”

Cooper said Microsoft started a trial of these smaller updates in December 2023 with a patch that changed some object visuals and one in April 2024 that added armadillos and new wolf types. The Minecraft team will continue working on large-scale updates to help “continue to evolve Minecraft long into the future” as well.

To that end, Cooper encouraged players to keep sending their feedback and requests and said additions such as cherry tree groves and animal variations depending on where they live happened as a result of fan requests. “you’ve probably influenced Minecraft's development more than you know,” he said.

Cooper also promised a native Minecraft PS5 version is in the works, though he didn’t say anything about when you can expect it – or the next small Minecraft update, for that matter.

Josh Broadwell