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If you're a fan of the gentleman puzzle-solver, it's been a long time since you've had anything to sink your teeth into.

Layton's Mystery Journey didn't star the man himself, and many fans found it a disappointment, especially as it's the series' only representation on Nintendo Switch.

For the most recent "classic" Professor Layton game, we must go back to 2013, with Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy on 3DS.

This trailer didn't give us much to go on, but it's fair to assume that this will be the traditional Professor Layton affair. We'll be solving tricky logic puzzles on our way to uncovering a grand mystery.

The art style seems to be the same as the 3DS games, with striking hand-drawn 2D backgrounds complemented by the 3D models for all the characters and key objects in the world.

This was little more than a teaser, as no release window or noteworthy details were revealed, but it's a joy to see the professor tip his hat once more, and the series will have some legs for a while yet.