Stalker 2 gameplay deep dive shows off ambitious open world

And some really freaky rats
GSC Game World

GSC Game World published a lengthy Stalker 2 gameplay video showing off some survival horror action in a swampy part of the open world game. There’s a lot to take in, from giant phantom dogs to nightmare rats and a monster that lures people in with its dulcet tones before committing less savory acts, but the big takeaway is how immersive GSC wants the world to be.

All of this is in addition to the little tasks you have to do to keep yourself going – staving off hunger, dealing with extremes, patching up grievous injuries with a little old bandage, the usual Stalker stuff.

GSC started with exploration. One of the early points the team mentions in the video is how progress works. You get no special weapons and upgrades just for completing the story. If you want to expand your skills as a stalker, you have to work for it, and that means straying from the story path and looking for challenging fights or people in need. Some areas that were closed off in Shadow of Chornobyl are open for full exploration in Heart of Chornobyl, assuming you have the stomach to handle what you find inside.

How you approach these situations determines how the story unfolds. GSC was, admittedly, a bit vague on that point, but they said you won’t see everything Stalker 2 has to offer in one playthrough. Quests, locations, and interactions with other people change depending on your choices, though the team didn’t say whether they have serious influence over how Stalker 2’s broader story unfolds or just little effects. Shadow of Chornobyl had several “false” endings you could get depending on actions at key moments, so presumably Stalker 2 will handle it in a similar fashion.

We won't have long to wait before we know for sure, as the Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl release date is coming up fast. The long-awaited sequel launches for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S on November 20, 2024.

Josh Broadwell