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‘WWE 2K20’ Is a Glitch-Filled Disaster

Screenshot of WWE 2K20 glitch

WWE 2K20” is such a disaster that it might be the most entertaining installment of the series. 

The series usually receives mixed reviews—I was thoroughly unimpressed when I reviewed 2K18 two years ago—but gamers this year are unanimous: the game stinks. 

Somehow, the game was released to the public without fixing a variety of comical glitches that render it completely unplayable. The ring ropes turn into a tangled web from which no wrestler can hope to emerge. Nobody’s knees work like human knees do. Customizing a character’s face results in horrifying disfigurement.

A quick search through Twitter and YouTube will bring up hundreds of mind-boggling glitches. Here is just a sampling of some of the worst. 

These are not isolated incidents, either. One popular group of Twitch streamers played the game for 10 hours immediately after its release on Tuesday and encountered enough glitches to fill a 22-minute supercut video. 

It’s not just the animations and customizable aspects of the game that are drawing criticism. Many of the wrestlers’ faces look like they were drawn by middle schoolers. 

The game’s embarrassing deterioration coincides (perhaps not so coincidentally) with longtime developer Yuke’s Co.’s decision to pull out of the series. 2K’s in-house studio Visual Concepts was charged with making this year’s game. 

Fans were so frustrated with the game that #FixWWE2K20 started trending on Tuesday. The good news is that some gamers who asked for refunds had them granted by PlayStation