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What Tom Allen Said After Indiana's 38-33 Loss to Maryland

Indiana head coach Tom Allen addressed the media following the Hoosiers' 38-33 loss to Maryland. Read his transcript, or just watch the attached video of the full press conference.

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Indiana head coach Tom Allen took to the podium following the Hoosiers' 38-33 loss to Maryland for Indiana's fourth straight loss of the season. 

Read Allen's full transcript, or watch the attached video of the entire press conference.

On the disappointment of the big run plays with a new quarterback...

ALLEN: "Very disappointing. I think that last run, it was third-and-long. They ran the football. Kind of trying to stop some different things. Obviously have that call back, you have a different game. At the same time you got to get him on the ground.

So it's still a run play. Then he had the long quarterback run on a short yardage situation. I thought that was bad execution on our part.

Disappointing. To me you put yourself in a tough spot, the defense has to step up. That really to me was a frustrating thing, without question."

On if the turnovers reflected an offense that could find its rhythm but not consistency…

ALLEN: "Yeah, I mean, the first one was a tip ball. The second was a 50/50 ball. Yeah, they were the first plays. Gave them momentum right out of the start of each half, which is tough.

Then obviously the final fumble. Fighting for yards. We work so hard on ball security every day, to get a helmet on the ball.

Yeah, it's frustrating, without question. But got to do a better job protecting the football. Takeaways, big deal on defense. Protecting the ball is a huge deal on offense."

On what you need to do to stop making mistakes that put you in a hole in the first minutes of each half…

ALLEN: "There's no question, yeah. So frustrating for me. Haven't had this type of pattern continue like this. This is just hard to put a finger on.

Obviously we've changed so many different things practice-wise, tried to emphasize the strong starts, big things, giving up points.

To me we got to go back and continue to try to look at different ways to try and create. Like I said, it's not that our guys weren't ready to play. 

They played hard, were locked in. This one today kind of seemed not able to come up with the play on defense to get a stop. Then you give the ball away right out of the gate, it kind of sets everything off to a negative tone.

They are part of the game, can't separate them. They are frustrating, no doubt."

On Monster being called for the unsportsmanlike conduct…

ALLEN: "I just don't see that call being made in that situation. That's my opinion, so I just don't see it."

On how the defense is adapting to the loss of Cam Jones and Jaylin Williams and what needs improvement…

ALLEN: "Yeah, I mean, you lose two elite players, it's hard. But other guys are stepping up. Yeah, it's made it more difficult, without a question.

But hopefully we get Jaylin back here. Has a chance to come back sooner probably than Cam. Hope we'd get him back here soon.

Yeah, we need those guys, no doubt about it. We need everybody. Brylan Lanier got a huge sack before half, which is huge for his confidence. His execution was tremendous on that play. We worked hard on that. Other guys are rising up and doing things.

Obviously it hurts to lose All-Big Ten guys. Cam was playing at All-American level in my opinion. You just don't replace guys like that."

On the defensive game plan going in against Taulia…

ALLEN: "We were trying to prevent the explosive pass plays. That's something he does really, really well. He creates them with his legs as well as just in the flow of the drop.

We had a hard time getting him on the ground. He's a really, really elusive guy. Has been that way every single week on tape. A really good offense, we knew that going in. Knew they were going to be challenging. One of the best receiver cores in the country. No question.

You when have a talented quarterback like that, with the combination, makes it tough. When you get a new guy in there, he played a little bit against Michigan. Came in that game, drove down and scored against Michigan. A little bit similar style in terms of we didn't think it would necessarily change. The quarterback runs a little bit more downhill than they were making guys miss.

We just didn't execute, in my opinion, in terms of the calls that was made for those situations where he broke free a little bit.

But, yeah, I mean, a guy goes down, another guy's got to step in and make plays. Obviously a little bit different style, but similar enough where we didn't think they were going to change things."

On Rod Carey…

ALLEN: "I thought they played solid. I haven't watched the film. I saw some improvement, without question. I thought they were a big, physical defensive line that has pressured people. I thought they held up better in the pass protections, did some things to help them as well.

But, yeah, definitely a positive step in the right direction with that group. No question about it."

On tackling and what wasn’t clicking today…

ALLEN: "I thought especially early on, I mean, we had several times where we had guys right there in the right position to make those plays. They got to finish 'em. Whether it's some of our corners trying to tackle their big backs, both of their backs are big and physical, that could be a physical mismatch in some ways. Still got to play with technique.

Man, we've worked extremely hard the last couple weeks on it. Saw some improvement last week. Disappointed in today.

They have good athletes. When you have more elite athletes, it makes it harder. The combination of power and quickness makes it tough.

Just continue to work on it. That's not going to change. Disappointed in that, for sure. Third down earlier in the game where we had the guy two, three yards behind the line, didn't get him on the ground. A couple of them are more of our older guys that we count on to do that.

Never going to cease to emphasize takeaways and tackling. Not getting enough takeaways and we didn't tackle good enough tonight. To me that's the disappointing part for our defense."

On what went wrong after being up by three when Taulia went out…

ALLEN: "There were a couple quarterback runs, like I said, one in particular. To me the key one was the third-and-long where we had a chance to get off the field and we didn't. They ran the football. We had a pass pressure called and they ran it.

Sometimes you're trying to decide what they're going to do. If you have a run call, if you're going to give them too much time against talented receivers, if you don't get any pressure on the quarterback...

Just part of it. You have to make decisions. I wish we could have that call back, without question. But to me it's just about having a finishing mindset, finishing mentality. We had ourselves in position to do that and we didn't do that. That's what makes this really, really disappointing."

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