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Man Takes Selfie While Being Chased By Bull

Derrek Barlow/Houston Press

Derrek Barlow/Houston Press

Okay, you're being chased by a bull. As it gains on you, nostrils flaring and hoofs pounding, what do you do? Scream? Beg for mercy? Reminisce about Occupy Wall Street? Or do you take what could possibly be the greatest selfie in the history of selfies?

A man named Christian, a participant in the Houston Bull Run, chose the latter (with a dash of screaming sprinkled in for good measure).

Christian's photo rocketed to the front page of Reddit on Sunday morning thanks to a post by user Zchavago. A video of the event, filmed in the vertical style loved by everyone, was also uploaded.

The selfie bar has now been set fairly high, folks. Adjust your skills accordingly.

