Mexican league player not as good at dunking as Blake Griffin

Dunking over a car is cool, but it's tough to do unless you're Blake Griffin.
Mexican league player not as good at dunking as Blake Griffin
Mexican league player not as good at dunking as Blake Griffin /

Lloyd Hickinson has guts. 

Hickinson was competing in the dunk contest at something called the “Golden Chihuahua All-Star Game” in Mexico. He thought it would be cool to one-up Blake Griffin's famous (but not entirely impressive) car dunk.

Griffin jumped over the hood the car, but Hickinson tried to go right over the middle. He wiped out and made the alarm go off. 

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Despite taking a nasty tumble, Hickinson got up and tried again. This time he made it. 

According to the YouTube description, he won the contest. His perseverance is admirable.

- Dan Gartland

[via UPROXX]

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