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MLB Ump Phil Cuzzi Got Crushed by Fans Yet Again for Being Really Bad at His Job

There are lots of umpires in Major League Baseball that will go through their careers without ever being remembered by fans. That’s a good thing, too, because if you’re good at your job as an ump, you will remain nameless and just be someone who keeps the game moving along. 

That can’t be said for Phil Cuzzi. Many fans are learning his name lately and it’s not because he’s good at his job. It’s actually quite the opposite. 

Cuzzi, if you’re not familiar with his work, is the ump who threw out Mets pitcher Max Scherzer earlier this season in a baffling move. He’s also the guy who had fans upset with his dramatic balk call last week

On Monday night, he was working behind the plate for the Twins-Dodgers game in Los Angeles and he absolutely stole an at-bat from Minnesota in the top of the 10th inning with two just awful strike calls. 

Check this out: 

That is some embarrassing stuff. Even the Dodgers’ announcers agreed. 

MLB fans lit him up: