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F1 Makes Huge Donation To Emilia Romagna Aid Following Flooding Disaster

F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali has confirmed a huge donation to the Emilia Romagna region.

Stefano Domenicali has confirmed that F1 will be donating €1m to the Emilia Romagna Region's Agency for Territorial Safety and Civil Protection to help those affected by the horrendous floods which have hit the area. 

It has now been reported that thirteen people have sadly lost their lives from the floods and landslides with tens of thousands of locals displaced. It was confirmed on Wednesday that the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix had been cancelled for this weekend for the safety of everyone involved as well as allowing the emergency services to focus on the local residents. 


Domenicali, who grew up in Emilia Romagna, has released the following statement along with confirmation of the generous donation.

“I was born and grew up in the marvelous lands of Emilia-Romagna, a place that is living through some of the saddest moments in its history.

"The situation facing the communities in the region is terrible, but I know that the resilience and passion of the people in the region, like so many across Italy, will prevail through this crisis.

"We must do everything we can to support them at this difficult time and that is why we are donating to help support the relief efforts on the ground.

"My thoughts, on behalf of the entire Formula 1 community, are with everyone affected and we want to thank the emergency services for their incredible work.”

The press release also included a link for donations, which we have included below:

Ferrari has also donated €1m to help with those affected by the flooding. Ferrari CEO Benedetto Vigna explained:

“In times of difficulty, Ferrari has always stood by its community.

“We wanted to provide a concrete and immediate response to the most urgent needs of the population of Emilia-Romagna, which has been tried by a serious environmental disaster.

“With the coordination of the local authorities, to whom our heartfelt thanks go for their tireless work, this aid will bring comfort and a tangible sign of the solidarity of the entire Ferrari family.”