Gaston Bulldogs
Gaston Bulldogs
Varsity Baseball
1-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Gaston Baseball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
2Jayce StephensJayce Stephens1B8t.5' 9"155 lbs
3Brody KingBrody King3BSo.5' 9"160 lbs
7Conner HumphreyConner HumphreySSSr.5' 8"160 lbs
12Jason i. FowlerJason i. Fowler3BSr.
14Kasey  AdamsKasey AdamsLFSr.6' 4"165 lbs
16Anthony VanceAnthony Vance2BJr.5' 5"125 lbs
20Levi RidensLevi Ridens2BSo.5' 4"135 lbs
21Maddox EaglyMaddox Eagly2BSo.5' 9"165 lbs
24Joshua  RidensJoshua RidensRFJr.4' 6"75 lbs
45Colton NelsonColton NelsonRFSr.5' 6"160 lbs
66Jonathan  PonceJonathan Ponce1BSo.5' 10"200 lbs
Jacob WilliamsJacob WilliamsSr.5' 10"205 lbs
Mica MerrimanMica MerrimanSr.6' 5"160 lbs
Chapman ClayChapman ClaySo.6' 3"175 lbs
Isaiah JohnsonIsaiah JohnsonSo.
Max JonesMax JonesSo.
Adonis JonesAdonis JonesSr.5' 11"155 lbs


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