Holtville Bulldogs
Holtville Bulldogs
Junior Varsity Boys Basketball
0-9 Overall • 0-1 League

Holtville Boys Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Phillip HigbePhillip HigbeSo.5' 5"125 lbs
Michael  BurrMichael BurrSo.5' 10"185 lbs
Parker HilyerParker HilyerFr.
Cole  Taylor Cole Taylor Fr.
Cooper   BrinkCooper BrinkFr.
Jacob HamrickJacob HamrickFr.
Jackson RobinsonJackson RobinsonFr.
Parker PressleyParker PressleyFr.5' 9"135 lbs
Carson MooneyCarson MooneyFr.
Jonathan  GrayJonathan GraySo.6' 3"185 lbs
Nicholas  GrierNicholas GrierFr.
Isaiah HamrickIsaiah HamrickFr.


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