Keith Bears
Keith Bears
Varsity Boys Basketball
13-12 Overall • 5-1 League

Keith Boys Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
4Titus LanierTitus LanierGSr.5' 7"125 lbs
10Anthony RobinsonAnthony RobinsonSGSo.5' 4"130 lbs
11Miles HannahMiles HannahGSr.6' 0"205 lbs
12Malkom  JonesMalkom JonesGSo.5' 8"145 lbs
20Ja'tavius MilhouseJa'tavius MilhouseSGSr.5' 9"185 lbs
21Jason  MoseleyJason MoseleySGSr.5' 11"160 lbs
22Jaqavion McEloryJaqavion McEloryFSr.6' 1"150 lbs
23Cassidi YoungCassidi YoungSo.5' 6"122 lbs
24Eric HallEric HallSo.5' 11"155 lbs
30Zackary  BlevinsZackary BlevinsFr.
34Davontae WilksDavontae Wilks8t.6' 1"248 lbs
42Terrence ShannonTerrence ShannonSr.6' 2"285 lbs
50Dylan TabbDylan TabbCJr.6' 6"275 lbs


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