Woodland Bobcats
Woodland Bobcats
Junior Varsity Boys Basketball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Woodland Boys Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
0Jayden Mize MizeJayden Mize MizeSGSF8t.
2Nate Herren  HerrenNate Herren HerrenGSo.5' 9"150 lbs
3Brayden Johnson JohnsonBrayden Johnson JohnsonPGSG8t.5' 6"120 lbs
4Cameron AsbellCameron AsbellSFPF8t.
5Rackley Everett EverettRackley Everett EverettSGSF8t.5' 7"123 lbs
10Andrew Fordham FordhamAndrew Fordham FordhamCFr.
20Terry  PowellTerry PowellPFCFr.5' 6"125 lbs
22Michael Par ParMichael Par ParSGSF8t.
32Kaylor Cummings CummingsKaylor Cummings CummingsPFC8t.
Robert Morin MorinRobert Morin MorinSo.6' 2"160 lbs
Parker Gowens GowensParker Gowens Gowens8t.


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