Fultondale Wildcats
Fultondale Wildcats
Varsity Boys Cross Country
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Fultondale Boys Cross Country Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Chauncey Woods.JrChauncey Woods.JrSr.5' 10"165 lbs
Austin RogersAustin RogersSo.6' 3"175 lbs
Jailen FletcherJailen FletcherJr.
Christian Mendez MartinezChristian Mendez MartinezSr.5' 4"109 lbs
Josh HendersonJosh HendersonJr.
Trevor  Lynn Trevor Lynn 8t.5' 4"132 lbs
Jaxon WorkJaxon Work-
Daniel GonzalezDaniel Gonzalez-


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