Demopolis Tigers
Demopolis Tigers
Junior Varsity Football
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Demopolis Football Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
George a. WrightGeorge a. WrightSr.5' 10"178 lbs
George "levi" SmelleyGeorge "levi" SmelleyFr.
Nawaf  BakhderNawaf BakhderFr.
Jalen ThurmanJalen Thurman-
Jayden JonesJayden JonesJr.
Carlow JamesCarlow JamesJr.5' 11"200 lbs
Jamarcus DavisJamarcus DavisSo.5' 5"150 lbs
Jake PowellJake PowellJr.5' 10"124 lbs
Keishawn Rowser Keishawn Rowser Sr.6' 0"198 lbs
Logan LolleyLogan LolleyFr.
Dyllon WilliamsDyllon WilliamsSr.6' 2"158 lbs
Jake BumgarnerJake BumgarnerSr.5' 7"155 lbs
Luke BumgarnerLuke BumgarnerSr.5' 10"220 lbs
Alexander MullingsAlexander MullingsSr.6' 0"265 lbs
Matthew SaelensMatthew SaelensSr.6' 1"182 lbs
Omarion BeltonOmarion BeltonSr.6' 0"235 lbs
Peyton MorganPeyton Morgan-
Jonathan  RossJonathan RossSo.
Cadence BrunoCadence Bruno-
Demonte WhitfieldDemonte Whitfield-
Malik GrayMalik GraySo.
Crosby SmithCrosby SmithFr.6' 0"154 lbs
Keith PruittKeith Pruitt-
Jordan  NallJordan NallFr.


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