St. James Trojans
St. James Trojans
Varsity Girls Soccer
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

St. James Girls Soccer Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
23Hasana ShufordHasana ShufordSr.5' 6"
Bridget ShafferBridget ShafferJr.
Natalie  BartonNatalie BartonSo.5' 8"
Ragan KingRagan KingJr.5' 7"
Mirette BixbyMirette BixbySo.5' 2"120 lbs
Elliette  BartonElliette Barton8t.5' 3"
Molly PhillipsMolly Phillips8t.5' 1"
Abigail  HuynhAbigail HuynhJr.5' 4"
Charlie  JenkinsCharlie JenkinsFr.
Janel ParkerJanel ParkerJr.
Alexya DiambraAlexya DiambraFr.
Hedda StoerdalHedda Stoerdal8t.


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