Weaver Bearcats
Weaver Bearcats
Junior Varsity Boys Soccer
1-2-1 Overall • 0-0 League

Weaver Boys Soccer Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
15Joseph VinesJoseph VinesJr.5' 6"100 lbs
Francisco  NiraFrancisco NiraSo.5' 7"140 lbs
Emmit HendricksonEmmit Hendrickson-
Corbin CraycraftCorbin Craycraft-
Uli LazcanoUli Lazcano-
Josh RollinsJosh Rollins-
Cael AhktarCael Ahktar-
Braxton BurkeBraxton Burke-
Jadivan MurphreeJadivan Murphree-5' 5"213 lbs
Caiden  McDanielCaiden McDaniel-
Zachary  RhodesZachary RhodesJr.5' 6"285 lbs
Carsyn PippinCarsyn Pippin-
Joseph  JonesJoseph JonesSo.5' 6"170 lbs
Gianluca TorresGianluca TorresJr.5' 9"144 lbs
Landon  MayneLandon MayneFr.5' 5"105 lbs
Caleb  HotalingCaleb HotalingFr.5' 5"120 lbs
Angel AguilarAngel AguilarSr.5' 8"185 lbs


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