Jefferson Christian Academy Eagles
Jefferson Christian Academy Eagles
Varsity Softball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Jefferson Christian Academy Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
1Skylar HarrSkylar HarrFr.
2Jayda SmithJayda Smith2BFr.
23Dessare TrainerDessare Trainer3BSo.
24Rylee BrooksRylee BrooksOFFr.
25Airen GaskinAiren GaskinSSSo.
35Ta'nadiyah LoweTa'nadiyah LoweOFSo.
Addison CarterAddison CarterSr.
Jada WashingtonJada WashingtonSr.5' 1"118 lbs
Ariel TautonAriel Tauton8t.
Brielle JohnsonBrielle JohnsonFr.


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