Loachapoka Indians
Loachapoka Indians
Junior Varsity Softball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Loachapoka Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Essense KeyEssense KeyJr.5' 7"150 lbs
Zakaria GarrettZakaria GarrettJr.5' 8"135 lbs
Jada WareJada WareJr.5' 7"190 lbs
Jessica Rojas guevara Jessica Rojas guevara Jr.5' 3"105 lbs
Eleasure McLennonEleasure McLennonSo.5' 1"120 lbs
Decaria CollinsDecaria Collins8t.
Laquatta WeaverLaquatta WeaverSo.5' 7"180 lbs
Faith MorganFaith Morgan8t.
Talayah  TablesTalayah Tables8t.
Demi DavisDemi DavisSo.
Skyler DavisSkyler DavisSo.


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