Tuscaloosa County Wildcats
Tuscaloosa County Wildcats
Junior Varsity Softball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Tuscaloosa County Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
8Maci TaylorMaci TaylorOFSo.5' 2"
11Riley PefferRiley PefferPSo.5' 4"
11Anne Marie SheehanAnne Marie Sheehan-
13Evan MorganEvan MorganCSo.5' 2"
19Brylee Myrick Brylee Myrick OFSo.5' 8"
20Mattie CaseMattie CaseOFSr.5' 2"
21Cayleigh  PearsonCayleigh PearsonPSo.5' 5"
23Kali DavisKali DavisSo.5' 3"
24McKenna MarloweMcKenna MarlowePOFFr.5' 1"
30Ryann DarlingRyann DarlingFr.5' 6"


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