Winston County Yellowjackets
Winston County Yellowjackets
Varsity Softball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Winston County Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
2Ella KennedyElla KennedyOFJr.
3Chasty GarrisonChasty GarrisonOFSr.
5Josey WilliamsJosey WilliamsOFFr.
9Jesalyn DotsonJesalyn DotsonCJr.5' 6"
10Carmen RobertsCarmen RobertsOFSo.5' 5"115 lbs
11Anna ParrishAnna ParrishCSo.
14Audrianna SutherlandAudrianna Sutherland3B2BFr.5' 7"
22Nevaeh TaylorNevaeh TaylorPOFJr.
24Abby  EwardAbby EwardOFJr.
25Maggie CouringtonMaggie CouringtonPFr.
33Marli StewartMarli StewartJr.5' 5"
34Zoey RobertsZoey Roberts3B1BJr.5' 3"150 lbs
35Reiley Williamson Reiley Williamson 1BCSr.
88Maci BlevinsMaci BlevinsOFSo.
Emma WellsEmma WellsSo.
Jocelyn  BatchelorJocelyn Batchelor-


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