Ariton Purple Cats
Ariton Purple Cats
Varsity Softball
4-3-1 Overall • 0-0 League

Ariton Softball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
00Nya AllenNya AllenOFSr.5' 4"145 lbs
2/3Madolyn  HudsonMadolyn HudsonSo.5' 7"
3/15Macileigh BraggMacileigh BraggSo.5' 6"
4Elizabeth WoodfaulkElizabeth WoodfaulkSo.5' 5"
8Virginia FairclothVirginia FairclothPJr.5' 5"
10Savanah WhisenhuntSavanah Whisenhunt-5' 9"
20Beth DixonBeth DixonSo.5' 6"
Makinlyn MunnMakinlyn MunnSr.
Natalee BeltranNatalee BeltranSo.
Laney DeloneyLaney DeloneySr.5' 7"
Maddie DavisMaddie DavisSr.5' 4"
Heaven BrownHeaven BrownSr.
Molly SnellMolly Snell8t.
Audrey EzellAudrey EzellSr.5' 7"


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