Altamont Knights
Altamont Knights
Varsity Girls Volleyball
7-9 Overall • 3-0 League

Altamont Girls Volleyball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Abigail SilmonAbigail SilmonFr.5' 6"110 lbs
Patricia MadduxPatricia MadduxFr.
Elle Sellers Elle Sellers Fr.5' 5"100 lbs
Camden PierceCamden PierceFr.
Audrey ThrowerAudrey ThrowerSo.
Cameron MelnikoffCameron MelnikoffFr.
Ruby NeimanRuby NeimanFr.
Elyse CrowderElyse CrowderFr.
Sarah SellersSarah SellersJr.5' 4"100 lbs
Diya MehtaDiya Mehta-


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