Shonto Prep Grizzlies
Shonto Prep Grizzlies
Varsity Boys Basketball
0-8 Overall • 0-7 League

Shonto Prep Grizzlies Boys Basketball (Shonto, AZ) Rankings

#TeamW-LPtsStreakTop 100+/-
36Lourdes CatholicLourdes Catholic5-11-0.510L10-0
37Ash ForkAsh Fork7-19-0.527L10-1
+ 1
- 1
39Phoenix Day School for the DeafPhoenix Day School for the Deaf2-14-0.567L100-0
+ 1
- 1
41Shonto PrepShonto Prep0-8-0.867L80-0
42Arizona School for the Deaf & BlindArizona School for the Deaf & Blind3-13-0.934L30-0
43San SimonSan Simon7-17-0.951L10-0
44Rough RockRough Rock2-19-1.003L60-0
45Valley UnionValley Union1-16-1.190L70-0
See Full Rankings