Redwood Giants
Redwood Giants
Freshman Boys Basketball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

Redwood Boys Basketball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
1Zachary DinowitzZachary Dinowitz-
2Ashlin QuachAshlin QuachSr.3' 0"
3Matthew KnauerMatthew Knauer-
4Mason GarboMason GarboSr.3' 0"
5Charles MuCharles MuSr.3' 0"
11Kody VasquezKody VasquezSr.3' 0"
12Leo LeverteLeo LeverteSr.3' 0"
13Dominic NevoloDominic NevoloSr.3' 0"
15David RajkovicDavid RajkovicSr.3' 0"
23Simon LeonardSimon LeonardSr.3' 0"
24Antonio BayonAntonio BayonSr.3' 0"
32Owen ShawnOwen ShawnSr.3' 0"
33Sean CunneenSean CunneenSr.3' 0"
34Arlo MauryArlo MaurySr.3' 0"
35Alexander ZackAlexander ZackSr.3' 0"


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