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Sacramento Country Day Cavaliers
Sacramento Country Day Cavaliers
Varsity Boys Soccer
7-4-1 Overall • 6-3-1 League

League Standings

1Cristo ReyCristo Rey6-0-15-01.00010-05-0
2Sacramento Country DaySacramento Country Day2-23.07-4-1.6254-23-2-1
3Western Sierra Collegiate AcademyWestern Sierra Collegiate Academy2-23.04-5.4443-11-4
4Valley Christian AcademyValley Christian Academy0-03.00-0.0000-00-0
5Sacramento AdventistSacramento Adventist0-03.00-0.0000-00-0
6El Dorado AdventistEl Dorado Adventist0-03.00-0.0000-00-0
7Faith ChristianFaith Christian0-66.00-9.0000-50-4
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