Village Christian Crusaders
Village Christian Crusaders
Varsity Wrestling
0-5 Overall • 0-5 League

Village Christian Wrestling Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Edmond AkopyanEdmond Akopyan-
Captain AlexanderCaptain Alexander-5' 10"205 lbs
Jamaal BradfordJamaal Bradford-5' 7"185 lbs
Dwight DeranjaDwight Deranja-5' 6"171 lbs
Jonathan FallerJonathan Faller-6' 0"167 lbs
Asa FunkAsa Funk-
Evan MesaEvan Mesa-
Ryan RakicevicRyan Rakicevic-
Dylan SimonDylan Simon-5' 5"155 lbs
Dominic SimonDominic Simon-5' 5"130 lbs
Noah VartanianNoah Vartanian-6' 2"280 lbs


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