

4th Quarter
Game over
Jennings County#14 x x missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Jennings County#14 x x made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford personal foul
Jennings County#30 x x enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x goes to the bench
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg goes to the bench
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#10 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#14 x x enters the game
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett made 2pt FG
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#10 x x missed FT 1 of 2
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett personal foul
Jennings County#11 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#25 x x enters the game
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian goes to the bench
Brown County#24 Declyn Wilkerson goes to the bench
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford enters the game
Jennings County#10 x x personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x enters the game
Jennings County#14 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#11 x x enters the game
Jennings County#14 x x personal foul
Jennings County#23 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#32 x x enters the game
Jennings County#22 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#22 x x missed FT 1 of 2
Brown County#24 Declyn Wilkerson personal foul
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest goes to the bench
Brown County#24 Declyn Wilkerson enters the game
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett enters the game
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos goes to the bench
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
Jennings County#22 x x made 3pt FG
Jennings County#15 x x missed FT 1 of 1
Jennings County#10 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#23 x x enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford goes to the bench
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford personal foul
Jennings County#15 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#15 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#20 x x goes to the bench
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford personal foul
Jennings County#15 x x made 3pt FG
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg made 2pt FG
Jennings County#23 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#14 x x enters the game
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian enters the game
Brown County#22 Abby Harris goes to the bench
Jennings County#22 x x personal foul
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford made 2pt FG
Brown CountyBROW full timeout
Jennings County#22 x x made 3pt FG
Jennings County#15 x x personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x missed FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 1 of 2
Brown County#22 Abby Harris personal foul
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris goes to the bench
Jennings County#22 x x enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x goes to the bench
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#10 x x made 2pt FG
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris made 2pt FG
Jennings County#32 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#32 x x made FT 1 of 2
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg personal foul
Brown County#22 Abby Harris made 3pt FG
Jennings County#20 x x enters the game
Jennings County#23 x x enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x enters the game
Jennings County#15 x x enters the game
Jennings County#10 x x enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford enters the game
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg enters the game
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris enters the game
Brown County#22 Abby Harris enters the game
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos enters the game
Jennings County#25 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#22 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#14 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#11 x x goes to the bench
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest goes to the bench
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris goes to the bench
Brown County#22 Abby Harris goes to the bench
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford goes to the bench
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg goes to the bench
2nd Quarter
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris made FT 2 of 2
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris missed FT 1 of 2
Jennings County#11 x x personal foul
Jennings County#14 x x missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Jennings County#14 x x made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford personal foul
Jennings CountyJENN 30 second timeout
Jennings County#20 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#25 x x enters the game
Brown County#22 Abby Harris made 2pt FG
Jennings County#11 x x made 2pt FG
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris made FT 2 of 1 and 1
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Jennings County#20 x x personal foul
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian goes to the bench
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg enters the game
Brown County#22 Abby Harris enters the game
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos goes to the bench
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos missed FT 2 of 1 and 1
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos made FT 1 of 1 and 1
Jennings County#32 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#20 x x enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x personal foul
Brown County#22 Abby Harris goes to the bench
Brown County#22 Abby Harris enters the game
Jennings County#22 x x personal foul
Brown County#22 Abby Harris goes to the bench
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos enters the game
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos goes to the bench
Brown County#22 Abby Harris enters the game
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett goes to the bench
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford enters the game
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford goes to the bench
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#14 x x enters the game
Jennings County#11 x x enters the game
Jennings County#22 x x enters the game
Jennings County#25 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#23 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#22 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#14 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#11 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#32 x x enters the game
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Jennings County#23 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#14 x x personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#23 x x enters the game
Jennings County#14 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#11 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#11 x x missed FT 1 of 2
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 1 of 2
Jennings County#11 x x enters the game
Jennings County#23 x x goes to the bench
Brown County#24 Declyn Wilkerson goes to the bench
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian enters the game
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett personal foul
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford personal foul
Brown County#23 Halie Lunsford enters the game
Brown County#10 Kaylen Combest goes to the bench
Jennings County#20 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#25 x x enters the game
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#10 x x missed FT 1 of 2
Brown County#24 Declyn Wilkerson personal foul
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian goes to the bench
Brown County#30 Kailey Buccos enters the game
Jennings County#10 x x made FT 1 of 1
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x made 2pt FG
Brown County#22 Abby Harris goes to the bench
Brown County#11 Christy Sebastian enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#22 x x enters the game
Jennings County#32 x x personal foul
Jennings County#20 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#15 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#10 x x enters the game
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg goes to the bench
Brown County#12 Abby Padgett enters the game
Jennings County#15 x x personal foul
Brown County#21 Katelyn Harris made 2pt FG
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg personal foul
Jennings County#10 x x goes to the bench
Jennings County#14 x x enters the game
Jennings County#23 x x personal foul
Jennings County#32 x x personal foul
Brown CountyBROW 30 second timeout
Jennings County#32 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings County#15 x x made FT 2 of 2
Jennings County#15 x x missed FT 1 of 2
Brown County#25 Isa Fogg personal foul
Jennings County#15 x x personal foul
Jennings County#15 x x made 2pt FG
Jennings CountyJENN wins the tip
Game Started