

4th Quarter
Game over
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#42 ISABELLA Delong enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#22 Gabriella Fisk enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH made FT 2 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH enters the game
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford personal foul
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#14 Sarah Fourmanoir enters the game
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko enters the game
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR personal foul
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 3pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH full timeout (5:01)
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette made 2pt FG
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 3pt FG
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford made 3pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#24 ELIZABETH ROTH enters the game
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 3pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner personal foul
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner personal foul
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
Michigan Lutheran SeminaryMICH possession
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN personal foul
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR enters the game
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian made 3pt FG
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette enters the game
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian made 2pt FG
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder personal foul
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel missed FT 2 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel missed FT 1 of 2
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner personal foul
Michigan Lutheran SeminaryMICH full timeout (3:31)
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield enters the game
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko missed FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER personal foul
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER enters the game
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR personal foul
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger personal foul
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford enters the game
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel made 2pt FG
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian missed FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian missed FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel personal foul
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR enters the game
Michigan Lutheran SeminaryMICH possession
2nd Quarter
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder personal foul
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran SeminaryMICH 30 second timeout (1:28)
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder enters the game
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#40 GRACE STEIGER enters the game
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH full timeout (2:52)
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 3pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger enters the game
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#22 Gabriella Fisk goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN enters the game
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#14 Anna ROTH enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#42 ISABELLA Delong goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#22 Gabriella Fisk enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner personal foul
Michigan Lutheran SeminaryMICH possession
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford enters the game
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford goes to the bench
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder made 3pt FG
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette personal foul
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#52 Julia wenzel goes to the bench
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#34 Kaylee schuette enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#42 ISABELLA Delong enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN goes to the bench
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH 30 second timeout (4:33)
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#50 JOANNA HARDEN made 2pt FG
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#23 Rylee Cornford enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 2pt FG
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 3pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko enters the game
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger enters the game
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko enters the game
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. CharlesSTCH wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
1st Quarter
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#2 Olive Wakefield made 2pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#12 ELLA SLANGOR made 2pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
Michigan Lutheran Seminary#32 Ava Schroeder made 3pt FG