

4th Quarter
Game over
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau missed FT 2 of 2
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau missed FT 1 of 2
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger personal foul
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian personal foul
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian personal foul
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko missed FT 1 of 2
Bullock CreekBULL full timeout (1:06)
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette personal foul
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz missed FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz made FT 1 of 2
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz personal foul
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak made 2pt FG
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz enters the game
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau personal foul
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette personal foul
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau personal foul
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH full timeout (5:08)
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz personal foul
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean made 3pt FG
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak enters the game
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean enters the game
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette enters the game
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau enters the game
St. Charles#20 Kylie Fiting goes to the bench
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL possession
3rd Quarter
End of 3rd quarter
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS missed FT 2 of 2
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS made FT 1 of 2
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger personal foul
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 2pt FG
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#20 Kylie Fiting enters the game
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz personal foul
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH enters the game
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz personal foul
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher enters the game
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift enters the game
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau goes to the bench
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
St. CharlesSTCH full timeout (4:55)
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz enters the game
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#32 MADILYNN DIETLEIN goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak enters the game
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette enters the game
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
St. CharlesSTCH possession
2nd Quarter
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made FT 1 of 2
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette personal foul
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian personal foul
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#32 MADILYNN DIETLEIN enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette enters the game
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH enters the game
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher personal foul
Bullock CreekBULL jump ball
St. Charles#20 Kylie Fiting goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS enters the game
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher personal foul
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko personal foul
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher enters the game
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#20 Kylie Fiting enters the game
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian made FT 1 of 2
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau enters the game
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette personal foul
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette personal foul
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz goes to the bench
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL possession
1st Quarter
End of 1st quarter
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean enters the game
Bullock CreekBULL 30 second timeout (1:56)
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#25 Emily Kozak goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#34 Dakota Swift enters the game
St. Charles#11 Alivia Hafner goes to the bench
St. Charles#2 Macie Hafner enters the game
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette enters the game
Bullock Creek#22 MCKENZIE LONGSTRETH enters the game
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher personal foul
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
St. Charles#22 Allison Zelinko made 2pt FG
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian goes to the bench
St. Charles#24 Savanna Schultz enters the game
St. CharlesSTCH 30 second timeout (4:44)
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#12 Delaney Violette goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#1 Olivia fisher enters the game
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean made 2pt FG
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko personal foul
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau goes to the bench
Bullock Creek#24 CHARLIE BASS enters the game
Bullock Creek#10 Avery Campau personal foul
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
Bullock Creek#23 Zofia Jean personal foul
St. CharlesSTCH jump ball
St. CharlesSTCH wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
2nd Quarter
St. Charles#4 Jenna Trevillian made FT 2 of 2
St. Charles#5 Emily Zelinko made 2pt FG
3rd Quarter
Bullock Creek#53 Daisy Schwartz made 2pt FG
St. Charles#10 Kendall Harger made 2pt FG