

2nd Half
Game over
KingslandKING full timeout
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson made 3pt FG
Lewiston AlturaLA 30 second timeout
Kingsland#34 goes to the bench
Kingsland#20 enters the game
Kingsland#20 goes to the bench
Kingsland#34 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews enters the game
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier goes to the bench
Kingsland#45 made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley missed FT
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley made FT
Kingsland#3 goes to the bench
Kingsland#11 enters the game
Kingsland#3 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson made FT
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson made FT
Kingsland#3 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier enters the game
Kingsland#11 goes to the bench
Kingsland#10 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed personal foul
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed missed FT
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed made FT
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley enters the game
Kingsland#3 personal foul
Kingsland#11 made 3pt FG
Kingsland#10 goes to the bench
Kingsland#45 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk personal foul
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk made 2pt FG
Kingsland#20 made 2pt FG
Kingsland#34 goes to the bench
Kingsland#20 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews personal foul
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed missed FT
Kingsland#45 goes to the bench
Kingsland#11 enters the game
Kingsland#3 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed made 2pt FG
Kingsland#3 made 2pt FG
KingslandKING full timeout
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews made FT
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews missed FT
Kingsland#45 personal foul
Kingsland#11 goes to the bench
Kingsland#3 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson enters the game
Kingsland#10 made 3pt FG
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed made 2pt FG
KingslandKING full timeout
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson made FT
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson missed FT
Kingsland#45 personal foul
Kingsland#14 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews missed FT
Kingsland#45 enters the game
Kingsland#20 goes to the bench
Kingsland#45 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews made 2pt FG
Kingsland#14 personal foul
Kingsland#54 goes to the bench
Kingsland#20 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed personal foul
Kingsland#54 enters the game
Kingsland#45 goes to the bench
Kingsland#10 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed enters the game
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson goes to the bench
1st Half
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley personal foul
Kingsland#45 made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley made 2pt FG
Kingsland#34 made 3pt FG
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson personal foul
KingslandKING 30 second timeout
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson made 2pt FG
Kingsland#34 enters the game
Kingsland#54 goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#15 Cameron Egland goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#15 Cameron Egland personal foul
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley made 2pt FG
Kingsland#14 made 3pt FG
Kingsland#54 enters the game
Kingsland#13 goes to the bench
Kingsland#13 made 3pt FG
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews made 2pt FG
Kingsland#10 made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier made FT
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier missed FT
Kingsland#10 personal foul
KingslandKING 30 second timeout
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#15 Cameron Egland enters the game
Kingsland#45 made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier enters the game
Lewiston Altura#25 Collin Batzel goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews enters the game
Kingsland#34 goes to the bench
Kingsland#45 enters the game
Kingsland#45 goes to the bench
Kingsland#11 enters the game
Kingsland#14 made 2pt FG
Lewiston Altura#10 Blake Mueller goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#10 Blake Mueller enters the game
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson made FT
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley enters the game
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#31 Theo Tews goes to the bench
Kingsland#34 personal foul
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson made 2pt FG
Kingsland#45 made FT
Kingsland#45 made FT
Kingsland#11 goes to the bench
Kingsland#10 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#25 Collin Batzel enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed personal foul
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed made 2pt FG
Kingsland#45 made FT
Kingsland#45 missed FT
Kingsland#10 goes to the bench
Kingsland#13 enters the game
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed enters the game
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier personal foul
Lewiston Altura#3 Evan Daley goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#5 Will Funk enters the game
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson missed FT
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson missed FT
Kingsland#14 personal foul
Kingsland#45 missed FT
Kingsland#45 made FT
Lewiston Altura#55 Hamza Soulier enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#11 Jacob Anderson goes to the bench
Lewiston Altura#21 Zach Anderson enters the game
Lewiston Altura#23 Hunter Reed personal foul
Kingsland#54 goes to the bench
Kingsland#34 enters the game
Kingsland#11 made 3pt FG
Lewiston AlturaLA wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
2nd Half
Lewiston Altura#1 Caleb Nelson made 2pt FG