

3rd Overtime
Game over
Orono#3 Tyler n made 3pt FG
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton made FT 1 of 2
Orono#44 x x enters the game
HutchinsonHUTC full timeout
Orono#10 Simon r personal foul
Orono#3 Tyler n made FT 2 of 2
Orono#3 Tyler n missed FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton personal foul
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton goes to the bench
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve personal foul
Orono#3 Tyler n made 3pt FG
Orono#44 x x goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson made 2pt FG
Orono#44 x x enters the game
Orono#44 x x goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson enters the game
2nd Overtime
End of 2nd overtime
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson missed FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson missed FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson missed FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson missed FT 1 of 2
OronoORON 30 second timeout
Orono#14 Andy b personal foul
HutchinsonHUTC full timeout
Orono#14 Andy b made 3pt FG
HutchinsonHUTC full timeout
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve missed FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson goes to the bench
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson enters the game
Orono#14 Andy b personal foul
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch made FT 1 of 2
Orono#10 Simon r personal foul
Orono#44 x x enters the game
Orono#15 sander w goes to the bench
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker missed FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker made FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson enters the game
Orono#11 jack w personal foul
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch enters the game
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Orono#10 Simon r missed FT 2 of 2
Orono#10 Simon r made FT 1 of 2
OronoORON full timeout
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger personal foul
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker goes to the bench
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch goes to the bench
End of 1st overtime
OronoORON 30 second timeout
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve personal foul
Orono#15 sander w made 2pt FG
Orono#3 Tyler n enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made FT 1 of 2
Orono#24 jack n personal foul
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker enters the game
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Orono#24 jack n missed FT 1 of 1
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve personal foul
Orono#10 Simon r enters the game
Orono#10 Simon r goes to the bench
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch goes to the bench
2nd Half
End of Regulation
OronoORON full timeout
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton made 3pt FG
Orono#10 Simon r missed FT 1 of 1
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink personal foul
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve missed FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made FT 1 of 2
Orono#24 jack n personal foul
HutchinsonHUTC full timeout
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink personal foul
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton personal foul
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch enters the game
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink made FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson goes to the bench
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton enters the game
Orono#10 Simon r personal foul
HutchinsonHUTC full timeout
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink missed FT 1 of 2
Orono#10 Simon r personal foul
Orono#10 Simon r made 3pt FG
Orono#15 sander w made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton goes to the bench
Orono#44 x x goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton missed FT 1 of 1
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve goes to the bench
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch goes to the bench
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Orono#10 Simon r personal foul
Orono#11 jack w made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made 2pt FG
Orono#10 Simon r made 3pt FG
Orono#15 sander w goes to the bench
Orono#14 Andy b enters the game
Orono#14 Andy b goes to the bench
Orono#10 Simon r enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson made 2pt FG
OronoORON full timeout
Orono#2 Eli s goes to the bench
Orono#11 jack w enters the game
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson made FT 1 of 1
Orono#15 sander w personal foul
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson made 2pt FG
Orono#24 jack n enters the game
Orono#3 Tyler n goes to the bench
Orono#44 x x personal foul
Orono#10 Simon r goes to the bench
Orono#14 Andy b enters the game
Orono#11 jack w goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve personal foul
Orono#10 Simon r made FT 2 of 2
Orono#10 Simon r made FT 1 of 2
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve personal foul
Orono#14 Andy b goes to the bench
Orono#2 Eli s enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker goes to the bench
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Orono#15 sander w goes to the bench
Orono#44 x x enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker personal foul
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson made 2pt FG
Orono#3 Tyler n made FT 1 of 1
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker personal foul
Orono#3 Tyler n made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton enters the game
Orono#24 jack n goes to the bench
Orono#3 Tyler n enters the game
Orono#24 jack n personal foul
Orono#24 jack n personal foul
Hutchinson#3 Nolan Prokosch enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve goes to the bench
Hutchinson#34 Brayden Johnson enters the game
Orono#24 jack n personal foul
Orono#14 Andy b personal foul
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger made 3pt FG
HutchinsonHUTC 30 second timeout
Orono#14 Andy b made 3pt FG
Orono#10 Simon r enters the game
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Orono#24 jack n enters the game
Orono#14 Andy b enters the game
Orono#31 graham b goes to the bench
Orono#30 Jacob f goes to the bench
Orono#24 jack n goes to the bench
Orono#23 Connor c goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w goes to the bench
Orono#11 jack w enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson enters the game
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel goes to the bench
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt goes to the bench
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton goes to the bench
1st Half
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel made 2pt FG
Orono#31 graham b made 3pt FG
Orono#11 jack w goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton enters the game
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt missed FT 1 of 2
Orono#11 jack w personal foul
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve goes to the bench
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt enters the game
Orono#11 jack w made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger personal foul
Orono#30 Jacob f enters the game
Orono#15 sander w goes to the bench
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson made 2pt FG
Orono#24 jack n made 2pt FG
Orono#30 Jacob f goes to the bench
Orono#24 jack n enters the game
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson enters the game
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton goes to the bench
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton personal foul
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel made FT 2 of 2
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel made FT 1 of 2
Orono#23 Connor c personal foul
Orono#44 x x goes to the bench
Orono#31 graham b enters the game
Orono#23 Connor c made 2pt FG
Orono#24 jack n goes to the bench
Orono#23 Connor c enters the game
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink goes to the bench
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson goes to the bench
Orono#30 Jacob f made 2pt FG
Orono#30 Jacob f made 2pt FG
OronoORON full timeout
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel made 2pt FG
Orono#23 Connor c goes to the bench
Orono#11 jack w enters the game
Orono#31 graham b goes to the bench
Orono#30 Jacob f enters the game
Orono#11 jack w personal foul
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve goes to the bench
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker made FT 3 of 3
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker missed FT 2 of 3
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker missed FT 1 of 3
Orono#23 Connor c personal foul
Orono#30 Jacob f goes to the bench
Orono#31 graham b enters the game
Orono#44 x x enters the game
Orono#31 graham b goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w made 2pt FG
Orono#11 jack w goes to the bench
Orono#15 sander w enters the game
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve made 2pt FG
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger goes to the bench
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt goes to the bench
Hutchinson#4 Carson Pink enters the game
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker enters the game
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel goes to the bench
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton enters the game
Orono#23 Connor c personal foul
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt made 3pt FG
Orono#31 graham b made 3pt FG
HutchinsonHUTC 30 second timeout
Orono#11 jack w enters the game
Orono#2 Eli s goes to the bench
Hutchinson#12 Alex Prieve enters the game
Hutchinson#20 Colin Nagel enters the game
Hutchinson#55 Devon Verhasselt enters the game
Orono#31 graham b made 3pt FG
Hutchinson#98 Owen Weisenberger enters the game
Hutchinson#0 Ryan Tollefson enters the game
Orono#31 graham b made 3pt FG
Orono#23 Connor c enters the game
Orono#24 jack n enters the game
Orono#30 Jacob f enters the game
Orono#31 graham b enters the game
Orono#2 Eli s enters the game
OronoORON wins the tip
Game Started
Turning Points
2nd Half
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton made 3pt FG
Orono#15 sander w made 2pt FG
2nd Overtime
Hutchinson#15 Jordan Klinker made FT 1 of 2
Orono#14 Andy b made 3pt FG
3rd Overtime
Orono#3 Tyler n made 3pt FG
Hutchinson#5 Carson Hutton made FT 2 of 2