St. Martin Yellowjackets
St. Martin Yellowjackets
Freshman Baseball
0-0 Overall • 0-0 League

St. Martin Baseball Roster

#PlayersPos 1Pos 2YearHeightWeight
Owen KilleenOwen Killeen8t.
Gunner Derouen Gunner Derouen 8t.
Liam  Walters Liam Walters 8t.
Jace HillJace Hill8t.
Dylan BakerDylan Baker8t.5' 2"125 lbs
Jackson PowellJackson Powell8t.
Cannon BeaugezCannon Beaugez8t.6' 0"150 lbs
Caiden GriffinCaiden Griffin8t.5' 5"120 lbs
John BennettJohn Bennett8t.5' 2"125 lbs
Garrett OlierGarrett Olier8t.5' 3"116 lbs
Grant ChathamGrant ChathamFr.5' 5"140 lbs
Brentley  SchulzeBrentley Schulze8t.5' 3"118 lbs
Keith Brown IiiKeith Brown IiiFr.5' 11"165 lbs
Ty RadichTy Radich8t.
Gabriel  McDonoughGabriel McDonoughFr.5' 10"160 lbs
Hunter HowzeHunter HowzeFr.
Tanner HartzlerTanner HartzlerFr.
David Jalanivich ivDavid Jalanivich ivFr.5' 10"140 lbs
Reed SherwoodReed SherwoodFr.5' 10"145 lbs
Landon WhiteLandon WhiteFr.5' 7"140 lbs


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